Chapter Forty-Two

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A knock rapped at my door.

It was loud, incessant, pleading almost...

Who the hell could it possibly be?

I heard Montse groan next to me as I threw the blankets off of me and grumbled out of the room. I turned quickly at the doorway to find her regain position on her left side. Her mellow breathing filled the room...

I trotted down the stairs, nearly losing balance as I was still in a sleepy state. The sun's rays cast a warm glow in the living room, signaling it was morning. I glanced at the clock by the front door.
7:00AM sharp.

I threw open the door, Brian's fist in midair, nearly knocking on my face as it had been for fucking ever on my door. I grabbed his fist and threw it down, exasperated and grumpy. Sleep is a peaceful thing and should not be tampered with. Who gave this bastard the right, I thought in my irritated mind.

"Well... Good morning, Roger. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" Brian asked haughtily while a smirk formed on his unshaven face.

"I sleep on one side and get up on one side." I scoffed, nearly at the brink of an explosion.

"Must be the wrong side, then." He replied back as he shifted his body to better handle his...guitar case?

"What the fuck is that?" I pointed morosely at the piece of luggage.

"Can't you tell? It's my guitar." He lifted it up, presenting it to me as if I was an infant, "It's in its shape, Roger."

"Oh, shut the hell up. What is it doing here?" I seethed, now completely angry with Brian. How dare he interrupt my sleep and begin to act idiotic on my doorstep?

"I'm here to give Montse those lessons. Her and I were talking about it at the studio, remember?" He spoke innocently as he gently dropped his case to the floor and rubbed his hands awkwardly.

His sudden change in demeanor confused me. Nonetheless, I was still pissed.

I sighed and instead of inviting him inside, I put a bare foot outside onto the cold concrete and shut the door behind me. I leaned against it and began to rub the bridge of my nose.

"Listen," I sighed, "I cannot begin to tell you the many things wrong with your visit here today, Brian."

"Go on. Tell me. I'm just being a good friend to Montse, that's all. No harm in that, right? Unless you have a problem with it, Roger... I completely understand, but it's more of a Montse and I rendezvous, you see..."

"Do you know the time, Brian?"

"It's 10 past 7," glancing at his watch, he smirked cockily, "Why, Roger?"

"Quite early, hmm?" I continued to gaze into an abyss of darkness, as my eyes remained shut with dismay and my fingers squeezed and rubbed my cold nose.

"Not really. You know how I like to wake up early, Rog-"

"WELL WE DO NOT." The inevitable outburst came and an unsettled Brian appeared before my eyes as I opened them again. This time I was sure they showed my exact feelings; flaring, glaring, and discontent within them.

"First, I wake up at 7:00 in the morning to terribly loud knocking at the door. You tell me you're here to give Montse guitar lessons, as well. You don't see a thing wrong with that?" I crossed my arms and lifted my stature, attempting to show Brian I'm being dead serious. His actions appalled me and I demanded to know why he chose to do it. To spite me? Oh, do I remember what he mouthed to me that day at the studio...
Watch out.

That was surely it. He wanted to irritate me, spite me with his cunning presence. All to get closer to Montse... I know it...

"Nope," my thoughts were interrupted by Brian's dark chuckle, "Not at all."

Suddenly, I felt the door open and I stepped back to see Montse's bedhead peek out from behind the mahogany door.

"Is everything okay, Roger? Oh. Hi, Brian..." She glanced at him, but quickly returned her gaze to me. Good girl.

"Good morning. Look, I've brought my gui-"

"Everything's fine, baby. Just Brian and I talking about upcoming music and such. Why don't you make us some coffee? I'll be in a moment." I grabbed her face tightly and planted a heated kiss on her supple lips. I gently pushed her inside and winked at her before shutting the door again.

"I know what you're doing and it's not working." I stood tall. As did Brian. Due to his genetics and clogs, he towered over me like the Empire State Building to the Twin Towers. Not a significant amount, but enough to be the superior. No matter. I'm stronger than him in physicality. Perhaps even internally, as well. He's known for his sentimental sensitivity and thin physique. There is no way he'll win over me. In anything.

"What am I doing?" He scoffed as he slung his guitar over his shoulder.

"Yeah, I suggest you grab your bearings and go." I pointed at him then to his car, signaling a departure. 

"Okay. Fine. Whatever game I'm playing in that small brain of yours must be a manifestation on your sick ideas." I caught a conniving tone and even a sly smile tug on his face, "I'm just trying to be her friend and give her...guitar lessons." He finally turned around and waltzed slowly to his gray Volvo.

I glared at his back, contemplating if I should hop in my car quickly and run him over while he's still here. I chose not to, although it was a difficult endeavor.

Just as I was placing a hand on the doorknob of my home, I heard him shout from his car,

"Maybe I could teach her a thing or two about something else!.."

His suggestive remark left me seething as I heard his car speed away.

I gripped the doorknob, nearly tearing it out of its socket.

I heard the gentle hums of a beautiful girl inside my home. It did tremendously in calming me down.

Two can play at that game, I thought as I stepped inside and walked to the kitchen where a scent of coffee beans wafted my nose.

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