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Cherish's POV:

Few days later,

I chuckled with my friend Iris , she pointed at the dress as she said, "No... Not doing anything for me..."

I said, "Let's try it on...."

She said keeping the dress away, "No.. I will look fat in it, I think I need more food." I whispered laughing, "Good solution."

We were walking out of the store when my feet stopped, my smile flew away when I saw those two people. My ex Wade and his fiancé Helena standing there, her had was tangled around his.

His face showed no expression, I realized how long he was looking at my face. I whispered, "Iris, let's go..."

I heard Wade, "How are you?...."

My feet stopped, I feel some kind of pain. The way everything ended, nobody was at fault... neither it was sane.

He got engaged in anger on me, while she just thinks he won over me.

Helena said, "Babe... what are you saying?.... she is married women, of course happy.... Whoever her husband is, he is treating her well...."

She said all of those taunting me. Wade looks at me full of anger, and some kind of pain.

I said to her, "Yea.. I am happy.... He is nice and treats me well... what else can I ask for...."

Helena hugged Wade's hand little more, she said, "So are we... We are getting married in 3 days.... oh wait..."

My eyes were fixed with Wade's, Helena gave me a card after digging it in her bag, I didn't take it. I kept my gaze away from it, She passed it to Julie.

She said smiling, "I would like if you come... to see our perfect wedding...."

She added, "He is much more happy with me... more than his previous relations... I won't leave him... he is stuck with me forever..." She laughed.

I felt humiliated, I looked away hiding my tears. I hate it, he didn't stopped her. He said, "I know... You are better than others..."

This made me look at him, Helena kissed his cheeks as she said, "Baby... I am sure, Cherish has her reasons.... Her husband may not be young but surely is has lot to offer... right, cherish?" She taunted me.

If she has any idea who my husband is then.... then this wont' happen.

Wade said to me, "I hope ... You come..."

He got closer to me, I heard him, "And see... I do not need a cheater like you..."

Riccardo's POV:

Iris said on the call, "So... what are you going to do now, sir?"

She told me about today's incident, how dare those low life trying disrespect her. But her silence bothered me, she is not the type of a women to ignore these kind of behavior.

I said, "Fine.... keep close to Cherish.... all the time"

Iris said, "Ok.... any other orders?"

I said, "No..."

I ended the call, Fred said, "If you are done, decided what should be done about the prisoners in the base...."

I whispered, "What else?.... kill them.... they are useless anyways...."

Fred's eyes were locked on his phone, he smiled texting someone. I somehow knew it was his women. Fred laughed as he said, "God I love her...."

Love sick dog!

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