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Cherish's POV:

A day later,

I whispered, "He doesn't.... remember me....." is there no hope left.

I looked at Riccardo from distance, Isaac stood beside me, he was silent but his presence helped me. Riccardo's father didn't let anyone else from my family come here, I don't know what he is thinking, honestly I don't care. I just worry about what I lost.

And How I am going to deal with this? Will he remember me ever?

I couldn't tell him about this baby too, right now it's not safe either. I can't hide it for long too.

I understand, His father wants Riccardo to recover soon. Once he is home, everything will be ok. He will remember me, today or some other day. But I heard Riccardo wants to leave, and doctor's don't have anything in their hand against his screaming and giving orders.

Riccardo seems to be more high tempered, and ruthless like this.

Fred said, "Cherish... You should go home..... I will let you know as soon he is discharged.... most likely he will be back tonight, he doesn't want to stay here...."

I whispered, "But... he needs the doctor... and...."

Fred said, "I know, but he will not stay, he about to remind me again.... that he wants to go back... I think you should return to the palace first..."

I looked at him again through the glass window, he is sleeping peacefully.

I heard Fred, "I suggest... Go back with your brother, it's safest for you..." I didn't care about his words, why should I?

Fred doesn't meant anything to me, that man, that man in hospital bed does mean my world for me. I just care about Riccardo.

I said, "I will not go alone... I am going to take him back with me...."

Fred said, "He doesn't remember last six years... not even your marriage of less than a year..... Doctor said it will be hard for him if he goes under stress... and his father, mother are here.... Right now, they care about Riccardo's health more...."

Something hurts so bad inside of me, I whispered, "I.. I am his wife..."

Fred said, "Not for him right now.... So, try not to cause anything to hurt him right now... I promise, I will find a way to give him back his happiness..... he might now remember, but he always said, he will die without his Cherish....."

Fred walked away, I heard Isaac, "Let's go home..... our home....."

I turned to him, he looks so guilty. Like he committed a sin.

Isaac said, "I ... I... passed the idea to Dad, when they attacked me.... I knew they will come after you, getting help from Riccardo Valentine, was the best way to save you..... He choose to make you his wife, I thought there was no better way....... I didn't knew this will make you stand here....."

I saw his eyes getting wet and wetter, He said, "I ruined your life... I am shame in name of a brother....I did everything in my power to keep you with Riccardo... but look at you know, at least you were happy as our sister, as our daughter......"

Isaac placed his hand on my cheek, he said, "I am sorry... I beg, let me fix it... I will return everything to you.... every damn thing..... Cherish Derosa doesn't need anyone but her family.... Let's go back...." Riccardo ended every threat to my way or else how would we face this day? I know situation is against me, but can I leave the one who protected me first, even when I always thought wrong of him.

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