Chapter One: Problems

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Nobody understands. Nobody ever will.

These words would often replay over and over in my mind. Only the few that survived knew about the suffering that all the victims went through trying to survive.

Living a normal life afterwards was the hardest thing. Friends that I'd see while shopping would ask why I was so upset, but I could never answer... We had all agreed to not speak of it again, unless it was in private with another person who had been there.

I would always tell Katashi that he don't have to worry about me after what happened, but there's where I was wrong. I would cry for hours and hours, then eventually cry myself to sleep. I wouldn't go out on vacations or day trips, or even parties.

But that all changed the day I found another charm.


Ring ring! Ring ring!


"It's Aya."

"Oh, hey. How are you holding up?"

"I'm okay right now. But anyway, I might have found a charm-"

"Say no more. Aya, you know we all agreed no more charms!"

"But Katashi, this one might be able to bring back our friends!"


"Can you meet me in the park? I need everyone else to come too."


I hung up and texted everyone else.

"Guys Aya needs us at the park. It's urgent -Katashi."

I ran out of my apartment and walked to the park, which wasn't very far away. I saw Aya sitting on a bench, and I walked over to her. She smiled weakly. I sat down next to her and she rested her head on my shoulder.

"So what was the charm? And how'd you find it?" I asked her.

"It's... A revival charm. And I got it from Yuki."

"Like... A chanting charm or a paper charm?"


"Oh, okay. What do we need to do?"

"We... Need to... Go back to Heavenly Host..."

I froze."WHAT?!"

"Are you not up to it?! I can't believe you!!! You don't want to save our friends?!" She yelled, tears filling her eyes. I guess she just couldn't stand it, because she just ran away from me.

"Shit!" I said, covering my face with my hands.

"Dude, you okay?"

I took my hands away from my face and saw Ryou, Amaterasu, Yuuki and Shiori standing in front of me. They all looked concerned.

I explained to them what happened with Aya and the Heavenly Host stuff.

"I couldn't do that again..." Ryou said.

"Me neither." Shiori and Yuuki replied.

"I'd do it. You guys need to toughen up... But... Don't be a pussy, Katashi..." Amaterasu said, and she walked away.


"Why doesn't he want to help!" I cried.

I heard a knock on my door."Fuck off!"

"It's Amaterasu."

"Oh. Come in..."

She opened the door and walked over to me.

"I'm coming to Heavenly Host with you. Nobody else wants to, so we can be the heroes." She said with a smile. I jumped up and hugged her.

"Thank you! We'll save Ken, Mari and everyone else!"

"We probably can't save people we don't know, right?"

"Yeah... Sadly..." I replied.

"It's fine, I guess. But when is this happening?"

"As soon as possible. We need to collect supplies, though." I said.


"Food, water, medicine, blankets, anything else."

"Do you have bags for us?"

"Yes." I said, picking up two backpacks from the couch. Amaterasu smiled.

"You already have some stuff in here."

"Just a blanket so far. We'll add energy bars, apples, and I don't know what else. But let's go get the rest."


My heart was beating faster than it ever had before.

"Aya's not in her apartment!!!" I yelled to Ryou, Shiori and Yuuki, who were standing outside waiting for me. Shiori gasped.

"She really went!!! Without us!!!" She screamed, starting to hyperventilate.

"That's means we need to go and get her. I'm not letting her and Hirabayashi go alone." Ryou said.

"Fine... We have to pack, though. Let's sort out jobs, and someone has to print the charm."


"Aya... We're here."

I looked up and saw the wooden ceilings of Heavenly Host Elementary School.

[Did this book start out too quick? Do you think Katashi, Ryou, Shiori and Yuuki were being selfish?]

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