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Toni's Pov 

we were talking and dancing when JB screamed i ran over to her and asked what's wrong she pointed to the door and i saw nick had showed up "JB why did you scream." my dad asked her at this point nick was over by veronica who was near us at the bar "him." she said pointing at nick "what did i do." nick asked everyone was looking at them "YOU TRIED TO HAVE MY SISTER KILL ME AT SWEET WATER RIVER." JB said everyone gasped i looked at Nick "so you were the reason i thought i killed my sister she could have died that day and how did he do it JB." i said 

"he blow this white powder at you and then you started attacking me i still have the scars from that day." she said showing me the scars "what kind of white powder." i asked "you blow devils breath at her." i heard betty say "wait THE devils breath that was used on you from donna." i asked betty "yes that same one." she said to me i look at nick and went up to him "why did you do it nick." i asked him "cuz you left me for some cheap town when we were getting married that week and you left me and said you didn't want to see me ever again so i thought if you left me i was going to make you hurt the ones you loved" he said

i saw Cheryl's eyes wide when she heard nick say we were going to get married i saw the pain in her eyes "Nick you know that even if that actually happen i had to leave anyway." i said to him not taking my eyes off Cheryl "and why couldn't we huh Toni why don't you tell everyone why you had to leave." he said ik what he was talking about i saw Cheryl look at me i could tell she wanted to know "you wanna know why i had to leave nick." i asked and i saw Cheryl look at me and nod so i knew she wanted to know "yes i do why did you leave me and New York." he said "Antoinette you don't have to answer that." my mom, dad, JB, and Jug said all together "no its ok ill let them know." i told them "i left cuz.." i paused and took off my wig that i was wearing and everyone gasped

 "i left cuz I'm dying nick i have stage 3 lung cancer so i had to leave so i could get my treatment." i said putting my wig back on "I'm glad i left cuz i meet the most amazing girl ever and i have the best family and good friends and then i get a text from Emily saying you tried raping her and then Jessica so I'm glad i left and btw Emily and Jessica are pressing charges." i said tears running down my face "so you can go rot in hell nick." i said storming out "Toni wait." Cheryl said i just went home well Cheryl's house but when i got there my ex best friend was there "what do you want Lilly." i said wiping my tears "i got told you live her now and i wanted to apologize to you." she said to me "Lilly I'm not in the mood to deal with you you broke my trust when you told everyone at school i had cancer." i said looking away from her

 "i know and I'm sorry i shouldn't have done that I'm so sorry Ant i wish i could take it back i miss my best friend." she said to me while walking closer to me "one don't call me Ant its Toni and two you cant take it back is done and i don't miss you honestly." i said to her pushing her away from me "come on Ant i said sorry." she said "so just cuz you say sorry doesn't mean i have to forgive you." i said slapping her "TT WHERE ARE YOU." i heard Cheryl yell " I'm over here Cher!" i said and i saw her run over to me crying and hug me tight "I'm so sorry that this is happing to you." she said pulling away from the hug "its ok Cher I'm just glad i have you." i said wiping her tears "so whos this Ant." Lilly asked "i told you not to call me that." i said getting angry 

"oh come on Ant you loved when i called you that." Lilly said " well i don't anymore and how did you even find me." i asked lilly, Cheryl was hugging my side scared to let go "oh Nick told me said you lived here and since i missed you i thought i should come by." she said i turned to Cheryl "hey Cher can you go inside and don't come out till i say." i asked her softly "no tt I'm not leaving your side." she said trying not to cry "please princess i need to know your safe and don't let anyone in ok." i said looking in her eye "ok tt be careful ok." she said tearing up she started walking away then stopped and run over to me and kissed me like she was going to lose me "its ok Cher i love you." i said kissing her forehead "i love you too TT." she said walking into the house

"ok so who is she." lilly asked "she's my girlfriend." i answered "oh i didn't know you where into girls." she said "well if you didn't tell the whole school i had cancer then maybe you would have." i say "ANTOINETTE WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU." JB yelled "Over here JB and watch your mouth." i said back "wait Jellybean is here." lilly asked "yes she is." i said "Toni why did you leave the party so fast me, Cheryl, dad, mom, and jug were trying to find you." she said "well Cheryl found me she's just inside and i left cuz of Nick." i said "oh nick's here." Lilly said JB looked over and saw lilly "what is she doing here Tiny." JB asked "honestly idk." i said "well hi to you to Jellybean i haven't seen you since you were 12 how are you." lilly asked "I'm fine and its JB but i don't like you." JB said "same JB i don't like her either." i said 

"Oh there you are JB i was trying to follow you but you run fast." Viola said "sorry babe i didn't mean to leave you behind i just wanted to make sure Toni was ok." JB said to her "wait JB you gay too." lilly asked "yes i am so what." JB said with the hint of anger "wow i thought your sister was just a faggot but your a faggot too." Lilly said that was the last straw i punched her hard and she fell back and then punched me we started Fighting and JB and Viola were trying to stop us "Toni stop it you can be fighting yk that." JB said "idc she insulted you and me so she is going to get it." i said she throw a hard punch i fell to the ground and my mom and dad where here at this point they got lilly to stop all i heard was Cheryl screaming

"TT, WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY GIRLFRIEND YOU BITCH." Cheryl asked lilly "she punched me first." lilly said i finally got myself up "i punched you cuz you called me and my sister faggots so you deserved it." i said to her "you said what about Antoinette and JB." my dad asked "Viola came over to JB and when JB said babe to her lilly said wow i thought your sister was just a faggot but your a faggot too." i told them they got mad and i stopped them from doing anything "you need to leave lilly like now." i said to lilly "gladly idk why i even came." lilly said "idk either so leave." i said lilly walked away and i went inside i ignored everyone even Cheryl i sat on the couch and then i felt a hand on my arm i look over and its Cheryl


Antoinette xx 

sorry for the long chapter i hope it wasn't bad        

sorry for the long chapter i hope it wasn't bad        

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that's lilly^

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