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Cheryl's Pov
I woke up in a cold sweat I had that same nightmare that I've had since my dad died it was of me at sweet water river and I fell in the ice and when I was in the ice I saw my dad reaching out to me I screamed then that's when I wake up I look over to see Toni still sleeping I carefully got out of bed and went down stairs

Every time I have these nightmares I call my mom so that's what I did "hey sweetheart you ok." Penelope said "hey mom, I'm ok now but I had that nightmare again." I told her "I'm so sorry honey have you told Toni yet." She asked "no I haven't but I don't want her to worry." I said "i know you don't but you should and just remember that you're safe and it's not real ok honey." She said in a calming tone

"thanks mom you always know how to cheer me up." I said "your welcome honey I got to go but talk to Toni ok." She said be for hanging up I put my phone down and started crying cuz I didn't want Toni to worry I was in a ball crying when I felt someone hold me and put me on there lap i knew it was Toni so I just cried harder she started playing with my hair she knows it calms me down when I calmed down I looked at her she looked back at me "you ok Cher." She asked in a worried tone

"I am now TT." I said into her neck she rubbed my back "why you out here instead of in bed with me." She asked I didn't want to tell her why but i knew I had to "I had a nightmare and I came out here to talk to my mom about it." I said looking at my hands she lifted my chin to make me look at her "why didn't you wake me baby I could have helped you." She said I looked away "cuz I didn't want to have you get worried cuz of what the nightmare was about."I said almost crying again

"look at me Cher." She said I looked at her "what was it about cuz this is the 6th time I've woken up to you not in bed in the middle of the night and you're down here."she said she was right this was the 6th time I've had the same nightmare and didn't tell her "TT there's something I need to tell you" I said sitting back down "what is it Cher." She asked nervously "don't worry I'm not leaving you love." I said kissing her
"Ok good." She said with a smile

"The reason why I've been talking to my mom instead of you is cuz of my nightmares it was of me at sweet water river and I fell in the ice and when I was in the ice I saw my dad reaching out to me." I said crying and playing with my hands she put her hands on mine and looked at me "why didn't you tell me baby I could have helped you." She said crashing our lips together I smiled into the kiss "cuz TT I didn't want you to think I was going to actually do it." I said

She kissed me again
Antoinette xx
I don't know if this is good ik it's short but I ran out of ideas let me know what I should do

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