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      I was trying to sleep. Hours passed and l still couldn't sleep. It had been five days since l had been in the mansion. There had been snowfall privous night and the magical garden was full of snow now. But what surprised me was that the Fountan water has turned warm and the garden magic prevent it's water to turn ice. For me garden was still beautiful and peaceful but just in a different way. I kept changing sides on my couch but still couldn't sleep while the Demon King was long asleep.
While I was trying to sleep. I started thinking about everything that has happened with me. " I have been through a lot of things. First my village got burned. Then I fall in love with the Demon King and it was magical........ I remember the time he had me in his arms that was really lovely and kind of fun........ Then the time he gave me the white rose. I was really surprised...." I giggled. " Also, I remember the time he had me in his bed. I was really embarrassed though.....But I have to admit I enjoy being with him. Every second I had with him was magical. As the days passes I found myself.... Falling more and more in love with him..... Come to think of it. I had a lovely time with him in these few days and sometimes I feel like he is also in love with me..... But I'm still not sure if he is really in love with me or not.... I must think of something to know what he really feel about me. " In all these thoughts. I felt sleepy. Just as I closed my eyes. I heard a sound.
Someone jumped at the balcony. I sat on my couch and looked at the Bellcony closed window. It was cold outside and also a little snowfall. I heard foot steps. Then, a shadow appeared from behind the window. I stood up. I wondered, if it was the same person who tried to kill me. I had a knife hidden below my couch. I grabbed it and quietly walked towards the window. I was standing close to the side curtain. I heard the window open. Then with a jerk I grabbed his arm and twisted it to his back. I pinned him to the wall and place my knife on his neck.
" Who are you?.... And what the freaking hell are you doing here." I whispered.
" Your a human. Aren't you?" He asked.
" What?.... Yes I am..... Why did you ask?" I said.
" Because if you were a demon you would might have killed me prisoner long ago. " He said. " Tell me what are you doing here." He asked.
" You can say I'm a prisoner here."
" A prisoner.... Well! I'm here to kill the Demon King. "He said. I smiled and hardly manage to control my laughter.
" Listen to me carefully. You can't kill him but... I'm sure he would kill you. By the way who are you. "
" I'm a Royal Guard in the Royal family."
" So is this Kings order. "
" Not exactly... I made this decision myself. "
" So you thought you can kill him alone. "
" I'm going to kill him while he's asleep. "
" Let me tell you something if you get any near him he will kill you with a jerk and you won't even know." I said. And suddenly I got an idea. " Do me a favour take me with you."
" What?" He said surprised.
" I want you to get me out of this mansion. I don't want to stay here anymore. You can kill the Demon King later. But if you do it now you will die and I won't be able to escape." I said.
" What do you mean? To kill him later."
" Please.... " I said and let go of up him. He turned. I can see his face in the moon light. He was cute. He looked at me, and then into my red eyes. My loving red eyes. Then He took a deep breath and agreed. I ran towards the closet, and grabbed a cape. It was cold outside so I need something to stay warm. We went to the balcony and closed the window. He extended his hand towards me. I looked at him confused.
" Do you trust me?" He asked with a smile.
" Of course I don't!.... We just met." I said, Confused. Then, suddenly he grabbed my hand and jumped from the balcony. I really want to scream but I didn't, or else the Demon King would wake up. I closed my eyes tight.
I opened my eyes gently. We were on the ground. I had grabbed him tight. I looked up and saw the plant wines which were grown up the balcony. _He might have used these wines to climb up the balcony. And also to come down.... My previous room balcony also had wines so he might have used them to come in my room._ She thought.
" Lets go." He said. I let go of him and we start walking. We both went inside the mansion. Then he started looking around. He walked towards a painting hanging on the wall. It was a painting of a tree with black wood and red leaves. Indeed it was a lovely painting like the others. He tilted the painting and then with a little sound a secret door opened. He walked inside.
" Hurry... It doesn't stay open for long." He said.
"Yes..." I said and followed.
The door closed as I entered. It was really dark inside. I couldn't see anything not even my hands. Then suddenly someone grabbed my hand. Obviously, it was the Royal Guard who came to kill the Demon King. He started walking and I did too. He was the one leading the way. At first, I thought he had night vision. But later I saw some glowing stones at our feet. _So that's how he is walking in the dark. He is just following these glowing stones. Which he had placed himself._ she thought.
" How did you know about this place?" I asked.
" As I told you that I'm a Royal Guard. So in the king's mansion there are many secret doors. But I'm only known about few. So I thought that the Demon King mansion would also have secret doors in and out of the mansion. " He said.
_Oh My! He's smart but why didn't I think of that?_ she thought. " Tell me how did that door open from inside." She asked.
" The painting you saw. At the back of that painting is a wheel and when you turn it the door opens. While from inside the mansion you have to tilt the painting." He said.
" Oh! " I said.
We both kept walking for a while and then came out of a cave. When we both came out all I can see was huge trees covered with snow. I turned and looked at the cave it looked like a monsters mouth with sharp teeths. He let go of my hand and started walking towards the Forest. I turned and started following him. We both were quite for a long while until I broke the silence.
" Where are we going?" I asked.
" To my village...."
" Your village!... How far is it?" I asked.
" Well! It's a lot far if I say" He said. I was walking few steps behind him. We can barely see anything in the moon light. The forest was scary. I was a little worried if some wild animal showed up. But knowing that I'm with a Royal family guard made me feel relaxed. We both kept walking silently. But I have a lot of questions that I want to ask him. He looked like a nice person for our first met. He had black hairs with green eyes. At first I didn't believe that he was a Royal Guard but by the look of his dressing I realized that he wasn't lying. He also had a Royal sword. Which kind of attracted me a lot. I really want that Royal Sword in my hands.
" Can you tell me what's your name." I said. He remained silent. _May be he don't trust me._ I thought.
"..... How long can you stay awake." He asked.
" Well!.... I don't know..... But I will tell you when I feel sleepy." I said and smiled. Although he was not looking at me. _I think I can stay awake all night. But I'm not sure._ I thought.
" How long do you think it would take to reached your village." I asked.
" Maybe by tomorrow noon."
" What ?" I said worried. " Okay then. Tell me Why do you decided to kill the Demon King alone." He was silent again.
The entire time when we both were walking to his village. I was the only one who would ask him questions in which he answered few and ignored the others. At the end we both became good friends. He told me a little more things about himself. Like he had two younger sisters and he was on vacations. But he decided to kill the Demon King instead of spending time with his family. He told me that his father died two years ago and since than his mother and sister were his responsibility. He said that he knew that it was a risk to kill the Demon King alone but he think that if he try alone to kill him only he would die and if there were more people with him they all had to die because of him.
" Have you told your family about your this stupid idea?" I asked a bit angrily.
" Yes I have... But they think I'm not serious." He said with a warm smile.
" They would be very worried about you if they knew you weren't lying.... I don't think that you should risk your life like this. " I said. He was silent again.
The Next day, we reached his village. The sun was up. I didn't sleep the entire night. But I was still not feeling much tried. Maybe it was because of the magical fruits I ate at the Demon King mansion. Thomas had told me that the food I eat there was magical and it gave me strength and make me more strong than other's. _Those fruits were delicious..... I really wish I had packed some with me._ I thought since I was hungry. He stopped infront of a house which look like a lovely place.
" Is this your house." I asked.
" Yes... Come." He said and walked inside.
His house looked really nice even though it wasn't much big. He knocked the door while I stand behind him looking at the flower pots placed at the front door. I kind of like his village since it reminded me of mine. I heard the door open. Then suddenly someone came out and hugged him tight. It was his sister.
" Your back..." Said his sister.
" Yes I am ... Now let go of me. I have a guest with me." He said politely.
" A Guest.... " She moved aside from his brother and looked at me.
" Hello Sweety... how are you." I said with a warm smile. She seemed a little shy and moved close to his brother.
" I'm good... Thank you." She said.
" Lets go inside. "He Said. The three of us went inside. I met his mother and sister. They hugged him and even cryed a little. Then his mother saw me.
" Have you come with my son." Said his mother.
" Yes... " I said.
" I thought he left the house to kill Demon King." She said confused.
" Yes mother I did went there to kill the Demon King but she was prisoner in his mansion so I thought to help her. " He said carelessly.
" Oh! you poor thing..." She said." Come let me show you Your room."
" Yes ..." I said. " Well! By the way what's your name." I asked his sisters." They both looked at each other and then me.
" I'm Anne, and she is May. " The elder one said.
" You both had a lovely name. " I said and smiled with my eyes closed.
" Come with me honey. " Said his mother and I followed. His mother was really kind. She took care of me like her own daughter. She gave me some of her dresses to wear since my dress was a little dirty. I decided to wear a lovely red dress. After changing I felt sleepy so I took a nap. When I woke up it was afternoon by then. And May was in my room. She had came to wake me for lunch. I was feeling much better after a little nap. I followed her and went to have lunch. When her mother saw me she smiled warmly and felt very happy. I had a good time during lunch. They all were very kind and caring. For the first time I wasn't thinking about the Demon King. I was really enjoying everything and I wished to stay with them. After lunch I went to my room while Anne and May followed me. They had cloth sliding doors for each room. I entered my room and turned to see Anne and May standing at my room door.
"What happened... Do you want something." I asked.
"Can we Play with you." Said May.
" You want to Play with me. " I said. " Of course...come in."
" What really." They both said with joy. While I smiled looking at them.
" Can I style your hair?" Said Anne shyly.
" Of course you can." I said. I sat in front of the room dressing table while Anne combed my hair.
" Tell me how old are you." I said.
" I'm 12." Said Anne.
"And I'm 11." Said May. " Do you know any story."
" A story.... Well ! I do." I said. " Do you like to hear one. "
" Yes please. " Said May with a wide smile. She sat near me and I started telling them stories. It was indeed the happiest moment for me.
At Evening, I was walking around the house when I saw him coming my way. He still hadn't told me his name and neither did I ask. He stood Infront me and looked a little worried.
" Are you having a good time." He said.
" Yes indeed... Your family is really sweet. " I said
" I want to ask you something. "
" You want to ask me about my family. Didn't you? " I said.
".... Yes. " He said." I also want to know how you end up at the Demon King mansion. Why didn't he killed you."
" That's a lot of questions... But let's start from the beginning. " I said. " My village was burned by the Demon King..... He killed everyone including my family....."
"....You might hate him a lot. "He said. He looked sad.
_I wish.... I wish I hated him for killing my family. But I don't remember anything about my family or else I might have hated him._ I thought. At my right was the backyard of the house. It was wide but not to much. There wasn't much snowfall there. Only a thin layer of snow covered the ground. It has door on its both side. The doors were open and cold breeze was coming through it. It has two to three stairs to go down just like at the front door way. I moved the snow from the stairs. I sat on the cold stairs and he sat beside me. I turned to look at him. He was looking at the snow.
" Do you think Demon King would try to find you." He said. I was shocked by his question. I knew now why he was worried. I blinked. " I don't know." I said. Looking down at my hands.
_I wish he don't try to find me.... And why would he. It's not like he is in love me.... I'm happy here..... By the way he don't even know, if I'm kidnapped or I ran away myself.....But if he find out that I was kidnapped he would kill him and his family. I don't want that to happen. I may not remember my memories with my family but I have good memories with them. I really cared about them. About Anne and May. I don't want them to die. Die because of me._ I thought. I was really worried.
" It seem like I made you worried." He said.
" What?.... Yes you did. "I said still looking down.
" I don't think that he would find us in such short time." He said.
" He's the Demon King. He can do anything. "
" Okay.... Your scaring me. "
" I'm just telling you. "
".... I want to ask you another thing. "
" What now. " I said a little worried.
" When you came with me you were wearing Demon King's dress."
_Oh! How did he know?_ " Yes. I was." I said.
" How come he allowed you to wear his dress if you were a prisoner there." He asked. He looked serious. We both stared each other for a while. I was silent. I couldn't find any excuse. Then suddenly we both felt some presence at our right. As we looked, we were shocked. _Demons_ there were demons standing Infront of us. He had his sword with him so, I grabbed his sword and removed it's cover. He was still staring at the demons shocked. I stood Infront of him. I was angry. I don't want his family to die. So I decided to fight for them. The demons started attacking all at once. I don't know how but with a single spin I killed them all at once. My old memories are full of fighting skills and when ever I'm in trouble the came to my mind suddenly. The demons were shocked by my move. But they still kept attacking me and I kept killing them. It was really fun if I may say. I enjoyed killing them. Then, they stopped and so did I.
" The Demon King would take care of her." One of them said. And my color turned white. _It can't be._ I thought. And through my sword in the air. It spinned and fall far away. I turned and ran inside the house and also grabbed that idiot too. I pinned him to the side wall inside and glared at him.
" Listen to me carefully leave this place with your family this instance. There here for me so I will go with them. But you have to leave this village as soon as possible. Take your family to some where safe.... And DON'T YOU DARE come back to save me." I said to him angrily.
" What?" He said.
" Do as I say." I Said. He nodded and ran the to have his family. I came out of the house my hands were up as I surrendered. I saw Demon King standing Infront of me and Thomas who was standing on his left side two steps away. The Demon King looked at me. I found happiness in his eyes. _Maybe he missed me. Maybe he do care about me._ I thought to myself. He grabbed my hand and just as we were about to leave. I stopped him. " Please don't kill anyone. I ran away with my own will." I said. He was silent but I kept begging him. Then suddenly he picked me up in his arms and started walking. I was still begging him even crying to spare there lifes. He told the Demons to return. And we all went back to the mansion.
I was in my room. Waiting for the Demon King call. I heard the door knock and I ran to open it. But it was only the maid. She brought me dinner. "I'm not hungry." I said to the maid. Then after some while I heard the door knock again. " Come in." I said. It was Thomas and I knew that Demon King had finally sumuned me. I went to the throne room and stood in front of him.
" Why did you do this." He said angrily.
" I want to know. If you have any feelings for me or not. And I got my answer you love me a lot." I said. Stressing the last two words. And to my surprise he blushed. He looked away and break the eye contact.
" Don't do that again." He said.
" I won't. Don't worry." I said and smirked. I left the throne room and started walking towards my room. While I was going I started giggling on my way. _I couldn't believe how cute he looked when he blush._ I thought.
At Midnight, when he was asleep. I stood up and came out of his room. I went to the red tree painting and tilt it to open the secret door. I was really worried about that idiot and his family. So I decided to go and check. I ran as fast as I can to reach his village soon as possible. He had told me about a short cut to his village but he said it was dangerous. At that time I was so worried about his family so I choose the short cut. After almost three hours I finally reached his village. I was really tired and short of breath. But when I reached there. I was shocked. His entire village was on fire. The Demon King burned his village just like mine. And killed everyone.

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