Minotaur-Demon Hybrid (Andolin)

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Charlotte hit the ground with a bone-rattling thud. Her heartbeat thumped in her ears and the crowd roared curses and encouragement and everything in between. She was too winded to get up immediately.

I'm fine, nothing is broken, she decided as she took stock of herself. But gods be damned, she was exhausted.

"Charlotte," a warm, laughing voice boomed above her.

She squeezed her eyes shut even tighter despite the sand in her eye, but if she thought that would deter her opponent, she was wrong.

"Do you submit?" He shouted.

The crowd settled into a hush, awaiting her answer. Charlotte gritted her teeth and yelled to be heard by the people.

"I submit!"

A good half of the crowd groaned because they would be going home with lighter pockets. Charlotte had been the reigning champion for a surprisingly long time, and now this buffoon had wandered in not more than a week ago and taken her title in just one match. Humiliating.

"Need a hand?" He asked and her eyes flew open.

The minotaur hybrid was leaning over her, ears pricked with interest. If he stood any closer, she'd be able to see all the way up his thighs and right under his loincloth. Charlotte sprang up, smacking his hand away.

"I'm fine!" She snapped and took a deep breath, steadying herself against the wall as the world spun. "I'm fine," she repeated, before limping out of the arena.

At least she hadn't gone easy on him either, and that was what she consoled herself with as she bathed and smoothed a minty salve over tender spots on her body. She brushed her hair out and put it up in a bun, before going to face the music. As soon as she stepped into the main room where the fighters spent their free time, she was overwhelmed by the others as they crowded around her.

"Own up, Charlotte," Midara the siren said in her melodic voice, her red mouth grinning.

"Yeah, no one forgot about the bet you made!" Eldin, the veteran lycan added, eyes gleaming.

Charlotte rolled her eyes. "I didn't think I'd lose when I made the bet," she said defensively. "Andolin is freakishly strong."

"So are you going back on your word?" Midara asked, adding slyly, "That's rather unlike you."

"No," Charlotte snapped, "I'll never hear the end of it if I do."

She turned and strode back into the hallway.

"Have fun!" Midara cheekily called after her, and Charlotte tossed a rude gesture back at her.

She found Andolin in his chamber lounging on his bed, leafing through a book. She leaned in the doorway and waited for him to notice her. He didn't, not until a slight breeze brought her scent over to him. He lowered the book and looked at her.

"You can read?" She asked.

He tossed his head. "Minotaur's can't read, is that it?"

"Relax," she said. "I'm not poking at you. I never learned to read myself."

"What are you doing here?" He said, putting the book on a small table by the bed.

"I made a bet," she said, inviting herself in. "If I lost the match today, I'd fuck you."

Andolin blinked and his nose twitched. Not the reaction she'd been expecting.

"So I heard. Ballsy move, but what if I say no?" He asked flippantly.

"Are you going to?" Charlotte crossed her arms. "Because I'd like to fuck."

His soft brown eyes widened with shock at her blunt words.

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