M Werefox (Harcourt) x F reader - 2

1.1K 27 22

➤ Pairing - M werefox x F reader

➤ Wordcount 2.4k

The spring air is still cool, but the bright sun overhead promises warmth. You step out of the train and immediately get attacked by your mother, who drags you into her arms.

"Oh, my darling girl!" She exclaims.

She smells of pastries and sun-warmed linen, a scent that reminds you of home.

"Have you been waiting long?" You ask.

"Not very. Look at you, a proper hat and brooch and pressed clothes! All the fixings of a proper lady," your mother says as you part.

You grin and touch the brim of your hat. "Just wait till we're back home. I'll be back to my sundresses and boots in no time."

Your mother insists on carrying your suitcase for you. In the time you've been gone, you've forgotten how capable your mother is. Her hair is peppered with gray, and yet she's stronger than you, fit from working in the gardens. The wagon looks new thanks to the coat of paint that matches the sky.

"You saved up for paint?" You raise your eyebrows.

Your mother has always been practical. In the past, she would refuse to spend money on something if it wasn't necessary, and you know the wagon wasn't high on her list of importance.

"No, that's thanks to Elrond Palmer across the street. I traded a couple of pies for it. You remember Mr. Palmer?"

You do. The warm, friendly face of the widower pops into your mind. In the summer he paid you to pick the wild berries that grew on the edges of his land. You raise your eyebrows meaningfully.

"I was wondering why you didn't write as often as I had expected. You've been busy."

Your mother swats at you with a twinkle in her eye. "Get in the wagon."

"Okay!" You laugh and clamber onto the seat next to her.

"So, Mr. Palmer, huh?" You say.

"I'm not saying anything just yet," she replies. "But we get along nicely."

"I'm glad. How's Harcourt been?"

"That fox!" Your mother hums as she gets Holly the pony moving. "He's been a real help around the house. He fixed a leak in the roof for me and gave the walls a new coat of paint. And he buys the eggs from me now, if you can believe that."

"But?" You prod.

"He's been getting into some trouble lately. A couple of fights, nothing more."

"He didn't mention anything of the sort to me in his letters." You grip the edge of the seat as the road gets bumpy.

"It's spring." Your mother paused. "Mating season for the forest folk, so I've heard."

"I know," you mutter, plucking at a loose thread on your sleeve.

"If you two are planning-"

You almost jump out of the wagon. "Mother!"

"Hmmm, very well." She purses her lips. "Whatever you have between you, I just want you to know you have my blessing. Listen to your heart. Nothing is sweeter than the freedom to follow it."

You can't help but smile at that. "I'll remember that," you say, leaning your head affectionately against her shoulder.

She sighs happily like a weight has been removed from her shoulders. "Step lively, Holly!" She calls, giving the reins a light snap. "Let's go home!"

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