Trouble Comes In Two - 1

1.5K 34 35

➤Pairing - M werewolf-vampire hybrid x F human reader

➤ Wordcount 2.8k

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You enter the diner and find your two friends at a corner booth, contrasting each other like night and day. Quyne is dark-skinned, wearing a red jacket and ruffled vest with black leather pants and a studded belt. His heeled boots make him go from tall to giant and even though his slender form makes it seem like a stiff wind could knock him over, you know from experience that he's actually pretty strong.

Vale is shorter and somewhat stout with muscled arms that would make anyone think twice about fighting him. Being a werewolf-vampire hybrid means he doesn't have a human form to shift into and while he has an intimidating, beastly body, you know his heart is practically as soft as his belly. He's just a cinnamon roll that happens to have teeth. He's dressed in loose grey pants and a loose comfy shirt so it doesn't irritate his copper-brown fur.

Quyne looks up at you. His hooded eyes brighten and his lips curve into a smile as he waves you over. You approach them, groaning at the empty bottles littering the table. As a pureblood vampire, Quyne can't drink any of that, so there's only one other option as to who did.

"Quyne, why'd you let him drink so much? You know he's too heavy for both of us to carry!"

Vale is pretty much passed out and his snout is almost in the ketchup on his plate, a limp french fry dangling from a claw. Quyne is across from him. His black eyeliner and white makeup look a little smudged in a sultry "I just got kissed" kind of way. It's been a long day and yet he still manages to pull off his iconic goth makeup.

Quyne shrugs, his glossy lips curling upwards again. "Hello to you too. You made it."

"Duh. I won't ever leave you stranded with this doofus," you reply, plopping down to give your feet a break. Quyne's text came just as you were closing from work, so you walked here. "How's your travel thing going?"

"Great. We've been living hand to mouth and honestly, it has made for some fun times," Quyne says, resting his arms on the table. "Vale ate a whole deer once."

"He caught it?" You're about to be impressed but Quyne shakes his head and snorts.

"No, he's too soft for that. Fresh roadkill."

Vale opens one golden eye and snuffles, able to pick up your scent even now.

"Sweetheart, it's you!" He says with a bit of a slur, lifting his head and bumping it against your shoulder.

"Hello, Vale." You wrap your arm around him and let him snuggle against your shoulder.

It's no easy feat because he's heavy leaning into you like that. His body relaxes and his tail begins to thump against the seat. He only wags his tail when he's really happy. You stifle a laugh and poke at the cold food. You're hungry but you're not in the mood for soggy fries.

"I can make you something if you let us sleep over at yours tonight," Quyne says, his fangs flashing in the bright overhead lights.

You nudge his foot under the table. There's a prejudice towards vampires in this city and on top of all of that he's drawing attention with his makeup and fluffy afro and towering body. Quyne only smirks in response, which makes you roll your eyes. Neither he or Vale possess much of a survival instinct.

"Hopeless idiots," you shake your head and pretend to think about his request. "Aren't you guys taking advantage of me like the old days?"

"Not if I cook for you," Quyne replies, leaning over the table and batting his eyelashes. "And do the dishes."

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