Ch. 5 Dirty Night Clowns

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Elliot goes to bed in tears, cuddling the pup close.  The warmth and comfort from the two companions allows Elliot to fall asleep rather quickly, and peacefully.

The next morning Elliot wakes up feeling very squished and a little cramped, trying to move on his side, a body? Gets in the way.  Elliot opens his eyes to find a little boy with matted gray hair and no clothes on, Elliot reels back in shock, falling off the bed, "owww," Elliot yowls.  He hears a yawn and then some shuffling, the Gray haired boy looks around, getting up, "Ellie, where'd you go,"  he yawns out.  The boy yawns, pointy Gray ears flicking around, tail swish slightly, Elliot holds his breath peaking over the edge of the bed.  The boy looks down, he giggles, "Ellie what are doing down there."  Elliot glares, the wolf boy's ears pull back, he whimpers, "Ellie, it's me," the boys says holding his hand in front of Elliot.  He sniffs the boys hand,  his head turns the side, "pup?"

The pup sniffs, "I can't believe you didn't know it was me," he muttered.  Elliot stood up, he grabbed the pups hand, "I'm sorry pup, I didn't realise you were a shifter."  The pup sniffed once more, "its okay I guess... ummmm.  My name is Grey."  The pup mumbled, looking at Elliots fiery orange eyes, his own deep gray eyes reflecting back.  Elliot giggles, "well Grey, I  must say your looking very gray."  The pup huffed.  Elliot went to the closet to fetch some clothes for Grey.  "So your names Grey, you are gray, do you want to wear gray too."  The pup growled Elliot laughed, trying to find the smallest shirt he had. "So how old are you pup?"  "I'm eleven, why?" The pup chirped curiously.  "Well because, I found you caught in rope and some tree roots, no other scents around, not even on you, and I can't see a pack of shifters abandoning somebody as sweet as you."  The pup went red, "w-w-well... I-I-I... ummmm...."  Elliot turns and raises his brow knowingly, the pup sighs in defeat, "I ran away."

Elliot shook his head, giving Grey a sympathetic look.  He handed the oversized shirt to him, "How about you go shower and calm down, while I find you some clothes okay."  The wolf pup nods sadly; trudging to the bathroom connected to Elliots room, the wolf sighs once more.

Elliot begins to search through his dressers when his name is called.  "Elliot, we're leaving."  Elliot races down stairs.  He sees Zane finishing up some waffles as Citrine puts a pair of earings on, rushing around the house in flats.  "How was your sleep Elle?"  "It was good...ummm, your leaving so soon."  "Well we should have been gone by now but we slept in.... So who were you talking to in your room?"  Elliots face springs in surprise, "ummmm... Just the puppy."  "Gosh... you can keep those animals, just keep 'em out of my room please."  "Will do Citrine."  Citrine, sighs and hugs Elliot tightly, I'm sorry about the surprise guest and that I have to leave earlier than I intended."  "It's alright, works important."  "Thanks Elliot... Hey, why is the shower running."  Elliot gasps, "I-uh-I must've forgot to turn it off," he said running up the stairs.  "But it just turned on," Citrine retorted.  Then Zane came around the corner to kiss Citrine, Elliot stopped on the stairs, "we better get going Citrine... Don't wanna be late."  The man pouted.  Citrine smiled, "bye Elliot, I love you."  She grabbed the last of her bags and head for the door, "Love you too, Citrine."  She smiled and reached for door.  Zane turns around peering through his dirty blonde waves, "bye Elliot, see you another time." Elliot shivered and bolted up the stairs." 

Meanwhile... A young wolf shifter with dark curls, sienna skin and lean muscle sits at a desk, paper splayed all over the place, heavy bags under his eyes and a row of coffee and tea mugs on the edge of his desk.  He tries to run his fingers through his messy hair, but ends up holding his head in his hands.  He groans, "Oh Grey, why must you run away, and why can't I find you this time... Please don't be dead, your Mom misses you and so does the rest of your family."

The door bursts open, a lean woman with a long, golden braid and violet eyes bursts through the door, "We found traces of your Nephew, Alpha, there was a rope and fur stuck in some tree roots.  The scent is faint but we at least know what direction he went in.  The man at the desk springs up, his ochre eyes flaring with determination, "take me there now."  The woman blinks in offense, cocking her head to the side, "sorry?"  The so called alpha rolls his eyes, "please take me there, geez."  A shit eating grin spread across the violet eyed woman's face. 

They make it out of the house, bones crackling with change and anticipation as the two wolves leap into a sprint.  Two massive wolves barrel through the forest, A black wolf with massive paws and furious ochre eyes and beside it a fluffy blond wolf with a smaller stature and omniscient, purple eyes, who does her best to lead the other wolf.  A couple hours later, the two wolves slow down as they aproach another wolf with bronze fur.  The wolf nods and the two stop.  The Sable wolf sniffs around, whining as he sniffs the rope.  He keeps sniffing, smelling his nephew in the area. Eventually, he picks a direction following the scent, jogging along.  Fifteen minutes later they come across a house in a clearing.  It's a modern cabin, that looks brand new.  The Sable wolf could not remember a cabin like this around his territory but seeing as it was a couple hours away from his territory, he was not surprised that he was never notified by the land owners.  He sniffs around the clearing and up to the back door of the cabin, the scent of his nephew strongest around the door.  The house almost seems, empty until he hears a window open; he bolts back into the bushes and watches as a young fox shifter holds a fabric thing out the window, then he hears his nephew, "Pleeease Ellie, I'll tell you the truth!"  The fox shifter huffs, "Promise?"  He hears his nephew groan, "I-I promise."  "Good boy.  Now why did you run..."  The window was shut before the wolves could hear the rest.

The Sable wolf sniffs the pouch on the bronze wolf's back, he walks behind a tree, bones crack, as the young man groans in pain.  The bronze wolf throws the pack behind the tree and the ochre eyed man grabs it.  After some rustling he comes out wearing a much too tight t-shirt, swim trunks and flip flops.  He smirks at the bronze wolf, "You pack pretty light Elijah, I mean swim trunks, really."  The wolf whines and huffs as the man chuckles.  After their small bit of fun, ochre eyes makes his way to the front door of the house and knocks.

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