Ch. 6 Beware

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Zane flies his helicopter over the vast mountain region, Citrine sits in the back, tapping away on her computer, leaving Zane alone with his thoughts.

Citrines such a beautiful woman, who would have thought that her nephew was just as good-looking. When I first saw him, he was all covered up, but once I got a good look at him, he was breathtaking. Soft features, a button nose, plump lips, jewel like eyes, and funny enough the colour of a citrine gem. You could tell the boy was sheltered his entire life. He couldn't mask his emotions very well, if at all. Not to mention the way he reacted to my touch. He was terrified, and I wanted to scare him into submission, have him scream in pain, and pleasure writhing under me. To be able to have such a lovely woman to hold and show off and such a darling toy to play with, too, now that's the dream.

The man chuckled lowly to himself. The woman in the back looks up, "what are you laughing about?" He smirks, "I was just thinking what it'd be like if I was as smart as you... I definitely would have asked you out way sooner." Her face flushed, and she smiled sheepishly.

Elliot finally convinced Grey to tell him why he ran away. He turned the kettle on and sat down on the couch beside Grey, "So, why'd you run away, huh?" The boy sniffed, "w-well... my uncle raises me a-a-and he wants me to start... doing pre-warrior training when I turn twelve... Which is soon," Grey sighs. "Why does he want you to do warrior training?" Grey tears up and runs upstairs.

"Grey, I can't help you if you don't tell me," Elliot shouts as he runs up the stairs after him, seeing the bedroom door swinging on the hinges. "Grey, where are you!?" He finds the pups clothes on the floor. He looks around and finds a wolf pup hiding under his satin pillow. He pulls the pillow away and tries to grab the pup. The pup races for the pillow and runs to the closet, Elliot tries to play tug-of-war with the pup, but the satin case comes right off. The pup drops the pillow and jumps for the case. Elliot pulls it away, "If you want it, you'll shift and talk to me like a big boy!" The wolf growls, jumping for the pillow case. Elliot huffs, looking around, spotting the window he has an idea. "If you don't talk to me, Grey, I'll throw the pillow case out the window, on the muddy ground on a cloudy day. The wolf runs at Elliot, he opens the window, and hangs the satin case outside. The pup dives for the blankets and shifts, and he whines out, pleease, Ellie, I'll tell you the truth! Elliot huffs, "Promise? he says, waving the satin case." Grey groans, putting his head down and accepting defeat, "I-I promise." Elliot smirks, bringing the case in, "good boy, now why did you run away from your pack."

Grey whimpers, covering himself in the blankets, "Fine, but can I have the case, please?" The pup sighs, Elliot smirks giving him the case, "why do you like it so much anyway." The pup half smiles. "It feels the nicest on my fur." Elliot laughs, "You can have it then." The pup thanks him knowing he needed to come clean to Elliot. The pup whimpers, curling I to Elliot. "When I was four, a different pack raided us... Mom and Dad went to fight, but only Mom came back, and after that... she didn't want me anymore..." The pup starts crying, Elliot hugs the ball of blankets close to comfort the pup. Grey sniffles and peaks out of the blanket to hug Elliot. "Uncle took care of me, but when he became alpha, he didn't have time for me... He thinks if I start pre-warrior training, my Mom might take an interest in me and take care of me again.... Uncle doesn't want me anymore, so I ran..." Grey snuggles closer to Elliot, "I-I-I w-w-want you to take c-care of me, Ellie?" Grey cries harder, "I'll be a big boy and listen to you, Ellie!" He manages to sob out. "Elliot hugs him tight, "it's alright, Grey. I'll always be there for you, okay?" The pup jolts, "PROMISE!?" Elliot laughs, "I promise," he says, sweeping his hands across Grey's wild hair. Grey's ear twitch as a loud knock on the door can be heard."

Who the hell would be knocking on my door in the middle fucking nowhere.

Elliot puts Grey down, "sshhh, stay here and don't leave this room unless I tell you to, okay?" The pup whines, "NO, stay here, what if it's that scary man your Mom brought here!?" Elliots eyes widen in fear.

Grey's right what if Zane is trying to lure me out. And Citrines not my Mom.

The door opens, then it shuts. Grey's eyes go wide and he begins to cry again. Elliot wraps the pup in a blanket, holding him close as he hides in the closet. "Shh-shh-shh, it's okay Grey...Deep breaths." The pup takes deep breaths, relaxing slightly. The creek of the bottom stair alerts Elliot, but then the kettle goes off make them jump. The screeching noise continues just as the stair creeks get closer.

Elliot holds the pup tightly, a door is opened, then another, and another until the door to their room is open. The fox and wolf stop breathing for a moment, when all the sudden, a growl is heard from outside the closet. "Easy, easy miss fox, just looking for my pup." The fox doesn't stop, but Elliot is relieved that it's not Zane, but terrified of who would creep around the middle nowhere... "Wait, his pup?!" Elliot thinks to himself

The Sable wolf walks up the stairs ignoring the screeching of the kettle; he tries to follow his nephew's scent, but it's all over the place. He opens doors and sees where it's strongest, and finally, he opens a door to a heavily decorated room that has star themed paraphanelia everywhere you look, including nebula blankets scattered the floor. The room itself smells like heaven, Hazelwood and chocolate seems to engulf the room, the incredible aroma is strongest in the closet, but before he can get close, a wild fox pops out of nowhere growling at the ochre eyed man. He gets back on task, "easy, easy miss fox, just looking for my pup." The fox continues to snarl, so the man calls out for Grey and hears a sniffle from the closet, but the closer he gets, the more fearsome the fox acts. Left with no other choice, the ochre eyed man releases a guttural bellow, warning the fox, it backs off hesitantly as two distinct whimpers could be heard from the closet.

The closet door opens, and noise fades into the background, the whines from Grey, the screaming of the kettle, the yips of the wild fox, the only things in the world were a lean wolfman with sharp features and glowing ochre eyes and an orange eyed foxboy with the most Angelic features he'd ever seen. The foxboy looked up at him, his eyes wide with shock, fear and anticipation but he did not loosen his hold on the shivering little wolf cub in his arms, no not even love at first sight would stop him from protecting the pup that he had vowed to take care of.

And before ochre eyes could say a word, the fox boy stood tall, a primordial rumble thundered from the foxman, the whites of his eyes disappeared, his canines elongated and fur sprouted around his neck, and the wolfman couldn't help but back away from the vicious threat.

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