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I'm not the typical girl

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I'm not the typical girl

3:15 AM

      ARMANI TOOK A DEEP SIGH AS SHE STARED IN  space daydreaming about how she acted earlier towards Jalani. Her eyes focused back on the blunt that was in her hand. Armani placed the blunt in her mouth and continued puffing using no hands. She stood up from her gaming chair walking to her closet to throw a hoodie on.

"I bet she still crying..." Armani mumbled grabbing a random hoodie. She knew she wouldn't be able to sleep thinking about what her brother said. She knew it was true. Mani turned off all the lights in her house.

"Fuck, I hope I got some shoes by the door to put on..." She mumbled making her way toward her door.

Her Palm Angels slides were by her doormat. She slid her foot into them, and then she patted her pockets to make sure she had her lighter, wallet, and phone. Then she stopped in one place thinking about her gun.

She checked for it in the place she tucked it at. "We good then." Mani grabbed her keys off the hook.

She opened her door looking at how dark it was outside. She turned her back to look at the door quickly. Armani locked eyes with her Black Hellcat smirking at the appearance of her car. She hit the door unlock to her car and the lights came to life.

She walked to her door side, getting in. Armani started her car now pulling the blunt from her mouth and placing it between her fingers as she looked back to see if she had pulled out yet. She placed her foot on the brake as she pulled the gear stick.

It wasn't even too long before she made it down the street her phone rang to display a familiar number on her dashboard. She answered, "Hello?"

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