Reaping - Charolette's POV

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"Now the time has come for us to select one courageous young man and woman for the honor of representing district six in the 61st annual hunger games!" The escort continued, "As usual, ladies first."

He went off to his left and swirled his hand in a glass dish full of pieces of paper, ready to seal the fate of whomst ever name he pulled. After a few moments he pulled out one and made his way back to the front of the stage.

"Ahem, Charolette Lore!" He said gleefully.

I was ready to make my way to the front before I felt a tap on my shoulder and a voice call out from the same direction, "Charolette?" They said.

I jumped awake and looked around. I was halfway through screwing a door onto my newest project, a simple cargo train track. 

I know it's not anything special however it's the first ever time my mom entrusted me with something seemingly so important.

"Charolette?" My brother called out once more.

"Oh hey!" I responded.

"Why are you still in here? Mom called you for supper ages ago?" My brother Conan said.

"Sorry coming!" I said, rapidly getting my things together.

My brother bolted ahead towards our house through the crowds of people. District 6 is usually  this packed however with the reaping on the horizon everyone is on edge and making the most of this potentially being their last day.

I was halfway towards my home when I heard a loud commotion to my right. I pushed my way through the crowd and there before was a horrifying sight.

A man crushed by what must have been an 'in the works' hovercraft wing. Adjacent to the body stood a man somehow as stressed as a cornered cat and as calm as an unbothered rabbit. He looked guilty of something and I as everyone else in the crowd assumed he was the one who left the guy underneath the wing.

The man stood on the edge of the track which the train used to zip materials all around the area. He was yelling out and I could barely make out what he was saying.

Some weird mix of, "It's not my fault!" And "I'm gonna jump!"

The crowd seemed pretty divided if this was a serious claim or not. However, the peacekeepers seemed pretty set that no matter what it needed to be stopped.

The train was rapidly approaching and the man was getting ready to make his final jump before the train slammed to a halt. The conductor simply stopped.

Such a tense face off became silent and sort've comedic instantly. The peacekeepers took the man away and that was the end of it. 

Everyone dispersed as too did I. I made my way home where my mom was too busy schooling my 20 siblings and cousins alike to notice my late entrance. I sat down as she began to explain the reaping process.

"So uhm basically you're going to have to- and then you'll have to- and the chance of two of you- and- bla bla bla-" she was being interrupted by my wandering mind.

I mean I've been in the reaping pool for four years this being my fifth and I've yet to be sent to the lions yet. Eventually my mom must've ended her speech because everyone cleared out.

I headed off to my room where I thought for a few moments of the possibility of me actually getting reaped. Being from district 6 that's basically a one in gazillion chance. The thought of it was enough to put me to sleep.

I was woken up by a loud knocking at my door.

"Wake up! The reaping starts in 10 minutes!" A slightly familiar voice yelled at me.

I jumped awake and looked over at my makeshift alarm clock that was made of train parts, which explains it being incredibly unreliable. It was about 1:51pm and I knew I was running late.

I rushed and got dressed and flew out of my house where I made it to the town square. I got into my respective line and they went through all the motions of your usual reaping, by this point it all became a blur in my mind.

Everyone lines up and our districts personal escort came out on stage.

"Now the time has come for us to select one courageous young man and woman for the honor of representing district six in the 61st annual hunger games!" The escort continued, "As usual, ladies first."

He went off to his left and swirled his hand in a glass dish full of pieces of paper, ready to seal the fate of whomst ever name he pulled. After a few moments he pulled out one and made his way back to the front of the stage.

Everyone around me looked uneasy and scared at the possibility before them.

He read out, "Ahem, Charolette Lore!"

I felt this strong sense of deja vu. I pinched myself over and over again as the peacekeepers brought me forward. My confidence was shattered.

I read my name aloud and stood off to the side as they moved over the male youth of my district.

He swished his hand and pulled out a name. Seemingly identically to before, he read out,
"Ahem, Conan Lore!"

Everyone was shocked, siblings being reaped? It was a rare sight especially for such a populated district.

I did my best to remain composed however my brother seemingly had no problem with it.
He marched his way to the front with his nose turned high with nothing but sheer confidence.
You couldn't even tell we were related.

He read his name proudly and stood adjacent to me. I tried to give him a glance however his aim remained forward and I was out of sight.

My mind was racing out of control and my vision went blurry. Our escort had us shake hands and we headed back behind the doors ready to prepare for the Hunger Games..

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