The Start - Elsa's POV

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I arrived in my waiting room.

It had a sleek design with a makeshift control panel, it resembled a modern airplane of sorts.

My designer, Pyro Kelix fitted me in a ash blue space suit with my District number on the sleeve.

The voice on the sound system alerted us it was time for us to enter the tube to be sent into the arena.

To be truthful, I'm incredibly nervous. Twenty-four minors in a deadly arena. Everyone wants to win, yet only one of us can. I have to make sure that's me.

I got inside my tube and it rose up.

My glasses were engulfed by dust and after cleaning them I got my first ever clear view of the arena.

We weren't on Earth anymore..

The area seemed to be some sort of planet. It had a similar texture to the moon except it was bright purple and more mystical. There was a forest with pink and green trees, lakes of acid, abandoned ships, and huge rocks.

That's all I could see from the ring of 24 pedestals surrounding a giant star-shaped Cornucopia. Dressed with weapons and supplies of all kinds.

The timer began.

I tried to rationalize a plan.

Okay so, I'm gonna run in and grab a backpack and the nearest weapon, I will then make a break for the..
Uh forest or shipyard..

Before I could come to a rational decision, the timer hit 3 seconds..




Everyone leaped off their platforms and ran about.

Only Nick from District 5 ran away from the bloodshed.

I was able to slip in a grab what I needed when it began.

I ran and slammed into Rose from District 12. The impact knocked me off my feet so I slid behind a cargo crate.

It was from here I watched Macy from District 2 come behind my District Partner, Cody, and snap his neck in half. I had to cover my eyes.

I watched as other people got their supplies and fled. The careers made an attempt to stay near eachother and they killed everyone.

I watched as Rose was reaching for a bag and knocked upside the head with the dull side of an axe by District 1's Vermeil.

Rose fell to the floor and as Vermeil was about to bring the axe down, Peater from District 12 tackled him.

They wrestled on the ground for a bit before Vermeil got onto him and slowly pushed his axe into his throat. Staring him in the eyes.

"You thought you had a chance?" Vermeil snickered.

Right as he pushed the axe all the way through, Rose appeared and swung her hatchet into the back of Vermeil's skull.

Her crawled away, groaning in pain as Rose hacked into his legs, back, and eventually his neck, leaving just enough bone for his head to sag, lifeless.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Marquise from District 1 screamed.

Rose took the hint and began to sprint for the trees, trailing behind was an armed and enraged Marquise.

I crawled from behind the crate and tried to make my way out.

I ran past as Macy answered Charlotte struggled on the ground.

"Conan HELP!" Charlotte called out.

"SHUT UP!" Macy yelled and she slit Charlotte's throat with her sword.

I ran around the back and watched as Wheaty threw bags over the wall to Grainne, as discreetly as possible.

I tried to go out of the left entrance when I was scratched across the arm by Macy's flying sword.

I was lucky, while Solana wasn't. The sword landed right inbetween her eyes.

I leaped back to my feet as Colby swung at me.

I ducked and ran back into the Cornucopia.

"Where you headed?!" He said as he poked his spear at me.

I slid back behind the crates.

I stayed put as I watched Macy tackle and stab Rooster 37 times in the chest.

I then saw Hannah from District 4 rip into the guts of Chester from District 7, his intestines were hanging out for all of Panem.

I crawled from the crates once more and took my chance to run away as everyone left alive did.

While running I got to see Maple from District 7 drive her axe into Aubrey from District 10's stomach and drag it up.

That was it for them.

I made it to the edge of the forest and when I turned around I watched as Grainne launched her javelin into Macy's back, killing her.

I ran deeper into the forest.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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