Pre Game PT.1 - Wheatly's POV

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My dad came to talk to me as soon as I was away.

"Your chances of winning are slim and to be frank you'll probably die out there however just try your best!" My dad said strangely happy.

I nodded and that was that. After a few moments I boarded the train. I sat off to the side as my district partner spoke to our mentors.

Our mentors were Sylva Mayleaf, winner of the 42nd games and Cross Pilt, winner of the 55th games. My district partner was Grainne Poe of course from district 9. We were also riding with our escort, Seline Willamsworth who wore a long cloak covered in strands of wheat.

To him it was probably a cool idea to pay respect to us but it was pretty mean. Like he was making a joke about us.

As we made our way to the capital, Grainne wow'd our mentors with her skill in acrobats.

"So, Wheatley," Sylva went on and I stood up, "What's your skillset? I mean you're amongst the youngest tributes this year you must find a way to stand out."

"I mean I don't know.." I responded.

There was a moment of silence. I mean I really didn't know I wasn't trying to lie.

Grainne chimed in, "He's pretty good at memorizing crops and what they do."

"Yeah I guess.." I said.

"Well that's a start!" Cross exclaimed.

We continued to talk about various topics. Grainne talked about how she was good at heaving heavy objects due to her operating our districts heavy machinery.

Our conversation cut short as we quickly arrived at the Capital.

Everything happened really quickly. I met my stylist her name was something similar to 'Crystal'. She talked a lot about how my district wasn't talked about and how much she wanted to give us a spotlight or something.

After a few moments of fitting I was in a big suit and hat that made me looked like a 'Capital made scarecrow'. I entered the chariot next to Grainne who was wearing a similar get up but hers had an about eight foot frilly skirt thingy on the end.

I looked forward like Crystal or something kept reminding me to do and I saw district eight infront of us. They wore pretty awesome suits and dresses that had cool edges and a nice brown and blue pattern.

The chariot pulled ahead and I didn't make eye contact with anyone in the crowd, from the yelling I knew there were tons of them. I didn't even look at Grainne when she kept nudging me.

After the showcase, me and Grainne went off with our mentors and escort to our apartment.

It was nice, a lot nicer than anything I've ever seen. Grainne spent a lot of time preparing to prove herself to the other tributes while I was left to talk to our mentors.

"So tomorrow you start training, what are you gonna work on?" Cross asked me.

"Uhhhh I don't really know.." I said.

"Grainne said you were good with plants right? We could use that." Sylva said.

"Yeah I was usually the one who was put in charge of them." I responded.

"Alright so tomorrow I want you to show that off, give them a reason to want to align with you!" She said.

"Align?" I asked.

"Yeah, you will surely need friends in the arena and the next few days is the only chance you'll get. I want you to stick near Grainne and find allies." She said.

Grainne was in a different room of the house but she must've heard them because when the next day rolled around she never left my side.

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