Interviews - Solana's POV

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After the riggory of that stupid "talent show", it was time for my favorite segment of this game, the interviews.

I'll be honest, I never really enjoyed the fan favorite bloodbaths and murder, but I was always star struck whenever the interviews began.

It truly separates the good tributes from the bad. And in my expert opinion, anyone can swing a sword and throw an arrow, but it takes real skill to be charismatic.

We were brou
ght down to the 0prep stations to prepare for the interviews.

"The first step to a great first impression, is a dazzling look!" My designer, Cedric Wax remarked.

"Bla bla bla who cares? The prettiest pony wont win." Nick, my district "partner", said slyly.

"Well some people actually care about how they look. Of course you wouldn't know." I said.

Nick frowned and walked away.

Cedric assigned me a gorgeous, skin tight, latex gown adorned with yellow lights. It was also paired with a matching headpiece that had sun-rays.

Nick was given a similar look except he had headband.

We were then rushed back stage where I got to scope out the fashion.

There wasn't much noteworthy statements however I did enjoy a few.

District 1 annually serves looks. Head to toe glitter and gold. They were truly heard to see from a far considering the way they shined. You'd find it all tacky if they didn't wear it so well.

District 4's duo was high fashion. Their girl had on a dress that looked like literal moving water. Their boy had on a suit made of fishnets.

District 8 did as they always did, mix matched patterns done right in all the right places.

We were then brought up one by one for our interviews with the great Caesar Flickerman.

"Grab your shades for the shimmering District 1!" Caesar said.

"Hello Vermeil Haur, what is your strategy to become the winner of this year's games?" He asked.

"Strategy? Who needs one!" Vermeil said pridefully.

Delusion is a good skill to have.

"Welcome Marquise Damil! And what is your strategy to enter the winners circle?" Caesar asked.

"I know my proficiency in swords, bows, and anything physical." Marquise said coldly.

Marquise is pretty and fit however, shes boring and blunt.

"Warm up for the mighty District 2!" Caesar said.

"Hi Colby Pierre, what district do you believe is the strongest this year?" He asked.

"What? Is that even a question? It's without a doubt District 2! Yeah some of the poor ones have a bit of muscle however no one can stand to us Masons!" Colby said proudly.

The careers all talk a big game, we'll see how they hold up.

"Howdy Macy Chavez, and who do you think is the strongest District?" Caesar asked.

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