Pre Game PT.2 - Wheatly's POV

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We entered the training room and there were so many other people. It's so weird to think that only one person in this room will be alive soon.

The head trainer told us about the rules of the room, none of it seemed really important and everyone seemed preoccupied with what they planned to do.

Grainne thought it'd be smart for me to go around and figure out the strengths and weaknesses of each tribute. I didn't want to be trusted with something so important but she didn't take no for an answer.
I went over to the sparing area with all the weapons. In this part of the room there was this group people call the 'careers' who are basically trained killers from birth.

There was Vermeil Haur and Marquise Damil from the rich district, Colby Pierre and Macy Chavez from the one that built stuff, and Axel Eriksen and Hannah Hai from the fish one.

They all seemed to be in a sort of group and trained together for the most part. Vermeil was clearly the one who wanted to be in charge however he failed to keep Macy and Hannah from arguing. Axel was super agile and won a sparing round against Vermeil and Marquise, while Macy simply plowed through Colby and Hannah.

I decided to check out everyone else. I headed over to the brainy area. Puzzles and games were everywhere and people played them. There was a mini game about disarming landmines that the kids from the district Grainne called 'Poorest of the rich' were beating in seconds. Their names were Cody and Elsa.

I wanted to watch more however there was a commotion in the center of the room that pretty much caught everyone's attention.

"Give it back you little runt!" The wood district's girl yelled out, her name was Maple.

She was chasing the district that supplies power to everything's boy around, his name was Nick.

"You have to catch me!" Nick said, scurrying up the nearest rope climbing wall.

Even though she could've probably hunted him down easily she grabbed a hatchet and almost like some sort of dancer, spun around and threw it at the rope, snapping it just above Nick's nose. He crashed to the ground.

The other tributes nearby either clapped at her skill or scoffed at her temper or his stupidity.

Given the chance she probably would've ran over them and sliced him in half however she chose not to since the head trainer took notice of this and demanded to know what was going on.

Everyone went back to solo training and I went back to observing for Grainne.

I went back over to the training dummies and watched as people tried their best to hit them.

Grainne showed a random skill at the spear thingy and hit three dummies in the chest perfectly. Next to her was the poorest districts girl, Rose and its boy, Peater.

Rose seemed really good at throwing knives while Peater seemed to be out of breath from something. Also close by were the train making districts girl and guy, siblings, Charolette and Conan. They were sparring against eachother and even though it looked like he was going easy on her, he still managed to beat her ten times in a row.

I was about to leave when one of the dummies was literally launched across the room infront of me. The district eight's girl, Meisha, was actively tearing apart the dummies.

With about an hour of training left, I went over to the lounge area where tributes could relax.

In the corner knitting something that resembled a net was I think district eight's boy, Silas. Across the couch from him was the tree district's boy, Chester, just sitting back and yelling random things at Silas.

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