"Fixed?" no not at all

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Chayanne placed another sign that read "Wait what they let you keep your voice AND you got to paint pentagrams on your cheeks."
"Yeah, but I don't think the whole Federation knows. I think it's only Cucurucho." I said almost at a normal volume for me to speak in.
"Did Cucurucho give you a plushie of him?" Chayanne signed not wanting to use all of his signs.
"Yep, he did bu-" I said but was cut off by the two men asking me questions.
"How can she speak??" One of the men asked, the man had short blond hair and light blue eyes.
"They, dad. Wrong pronouns" Chayanne placed a sign.
"All of us could speak at one point. I guess that since all of them chose to have parents or a parent, I didn't choose to have one but now here I am." I said squeezing the plushie tightly.
"¿Entonces lo que dices es que te obligaron a tener padres?" The other man said, his medium length hair almost covering his whole face(So what you're saying is that they forced you to have parents?).
"Sí, eso es básicamente todo." I said with no real hesitation almost like they were supposed to be my parents(Yep, that's basically it).
"You're speaking to an adult with no hesitation in your voice." Chayanne signed.
The announcements on the island sounded 'The new egg now has parents. We welcome Y/N to the Minecraft family.'
"WHAT? I NEVER AGREED TO THAT!" I shouted, pissed at the Federation.
"Y/N, you get to stay with the best parents ever. You can punch Wilbur." Chayanne signed, jumping up and down, super excited to have another Minecraft family member.
'Do I have a choice? No, not really, fuck. I don't want parents.' I thought before asking "Who's Wilbur?"
"Wilbur es el hijo mayor de Phil y está de gira con Lovejoy pero lo más probable es que regrese pronto." Missa explained, his voice the whole time was calm (Wilbur is Phil's oldest son who is on tour with Lovejoy but he'll most likely be back soon).
The announcements rang saying 'Dear Minecraft family, we need you to bring in Y/N for "fixing" please.'
One of the men the one with blond hair I think his name was 'Phil', looked over to me. I was shocked that 'they' needed me to be 'fixed'. I knew they wanted to take away my voice. "Y/N i think we should go. Now, Chayanne, please help them to the house." Phil said, at this point I just allowed this.


So I have an idea that I made Y/N be the only egg that the codes can't kill. Should that be canon?

Or maybe Y/N is the only egg that stays at two lives (IDK)

I hope you enjoy and have a nice night/day/evening/morning

Announcement Sherlock Holmes vs Healer Tommy will have at least three new characters in a few days

As always Shroom signing off for now

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