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After a few hours of getting to know the new members an announcement rang saying: ‘All eggs have been returned to the adoption center.’ All of the residents rushed to the adoption center when they heard this. I just stayed towards the back of the group with the Brazilian. When the group made it to the adoption center I started to climb the wall when Cellbit shouted: “Y/N what are you doing??”
“I’m going home why?” I shouted.
“You live on top of the wall?” he shouted.
“Y/N get down from the wall. Chayanne wants to talk to you,” Papa Phil said.
“But Dad.”
“Y/N Minecraft you are going to get down from the wall right now,” Phil said slightly angry.
“Fine……….” When I said that Chayanne and another egg came running out of the adoption center.
Chayanne placed down a sign, the sign said ‘Y/N, PAPA, I MISSED YOU!’
“We missed you too Chayanne,” Phil said.
“Papa, who is she?” I asked, gesturing towards an egg with short light brown hair and a red hat.
“Her name is Tallulah, she’s Wilbur’s daughter,” papa Phil explained.
“Hi Tallulah, I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you,” I said.
She placed down a sign that said ‘Oh hello, I’ve heard a lot about you from Chay and Papa Phil.’
After a few hours one of the Brazilians stayed with Papa Phil, Chay, Lulah, and I. That Brazilian was Cellbit, one of the nicer of the men. That night when everyone but Papa Phil, Wilbur, and I was asleep, that was when I finally met this ‘Wilbur’.
“Phil, I need you to take care of Tallulah for me. I have to go on tour and I won't be back. It’ll be like 6-7 months before I’ll be back,” Wilbur said.
“Wil, you know that I can’t do that, I already have to take care of two children. I can’t take care of three.”
“Well just leave that little shit, Y/N she is a fuckin’ asshole.” Wilbur said, well I never liked him so that was expected.
“WILBUR!! I’m not leaving my child with anyone. THEY ARE MY FUCKING CHILD WILBUR!” Phil shouted in a pissed tone.
“Papa, why is he saying to ‘leave’ me?” I asked.
“Y/N, LITARLY NO ONE ON THIS FUCKING ISLAND LIKES YOU!!” Wilbur shouted, causing me to flinch.
“Wilbur Soot Minecraft, what did I say about lying to your siblings.”
“Phil, everyone hates her, I’m only telling the truth.” Wilbur said, staring right at me.
“That’s it Wilbur, get the FUCK OFF MY FUCKING PROPERTY! I feel bad for Tallulah to have you as a father, fuckin’ dead beat.” Papa Phil said, mumbling the last part.
When Wilbur left, he seemed pissed that his father wasn’t going to get rid of his child.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry that happened. Wilbur can be quite the whiny bitch most of the time.”
“It’s alright, I mean that was the first time meeting him.” I said, rubbing my eyes.
I was so tired that I passed out.

In the morning I woke up to an empty bed next to me and Tallulah sitting in the corner reading something. She looked sad…..no she was crying. I got up and walked over to Tallulah. “Mornin’ Lullah, what are you reading?”
“Papa Wil left, during the night, and said that he wouldn’t be back.” Tallulah signed.
“Oh, what does the letter you have say?” I asked, trying to comfort her.
“It says ‘Dear Tallulah, the reason I’m gone when you wake up is because I have to go on tour with Lovejoy. Papa Phil will be taking care of you. There is one little thing you shouldn’t do, DO NOT TALK TO Y/N, SHE IS THE REASON, that is the reason Papa Phil won’t pay much attention to you.’ That’s what it says but I think you are really nice so I don’t have a problem with you, it’s only my dad who doesn’t like you,” Tallulah signed.

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