Poor Baby Trumpet

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Six hours after I woke up two death messages popped up ‘JunnaFlippa was slain by ElMariana’ and ‘Trump was slain by a zombie.’ Flippa and Trump are now gone, in two days Tilín, Trump, and Flippa lost all of their lives. All I felt was sadness, all over the island was panic. Chayanne had promised to protect them and I promised to protect Chayanne. Chayanne was still asleep and didn’t know what happened. It was already dark out when Trump and Flippa died, so I decided to go to bed in the morning, I’ll tell Chayanne.

The next morning I woke up before Chayanne but only by three minutes. Before Chayanne woke up, I had already got my armor and tools ready. I reserved a message saying that all members are needed at the church of Cucurucho. “M-morning Chayanne,” I said.
“Good Morning?” Chayanne signed.
“Chayanne, Flippa and Trump are gone and todays the funeral.”
That was all it took to make Chayanne cry. I tried not to cry but I failed, when papa Phil came down he saw both of us crying in silence, he knew why. A few hours later the funeral started and Quackity was saying his goodbyes to Tilín, Maximus was saying his goodbyes to Trump, and lastly Mariana and Charlie were saying their goodbyes to Flippa. Quackity couldn’t hold it together, he was a mess. Leonarda was never able to say her goodbyes, the last thing she said to Trump was ‘See you later Trumpet.’ Leonarda wanted to scream but she couldn't, so I hugged her. 
“Is there anything anyone wants to say before you leave?”
No one answered they were all crying or comforting the others. Leonarda wanted me to say something because this is the last time I’ll see them but I didn’t, I didn’t know what to say.

Short and Angsty 

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