They Are Gone + New Arrivals!!

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When I woke up Chayanne was gone. I ran outside to see all the residents eggless. All of the residents looked over to me when I walked out the door Foolish, Bad, Papa, and Jaiden ran up to me. “Y/N HOW ARE YOU HERE????” Foolish questioned.
“What do you mean? Where is Leo?”
“All the other eggs are missing, you are the only egg that is still here, or so we think.” Bad said.

Later that day Roier I think asked Papa Phil if we could ‘hang out.’
“Hello Y/N, what would you like to do today?” Roier asked, completely ignoring Phil said ‘NO DUNGEONS!’
“Hi tio Roier, can we do a dungeon?” I said putting on my sombrero.
“Sure as long as we use waypoints, deal?” Roier asked. 
“Deal tio Roier.”
A few minutes later we were at a large tower dungeon. Roier placed a waypoint and I pressed the little button on the top. Roier had pressed the same little button on the top. We made it through three rooms when Roier started screaming Spanish. “MADRE JODIDO, ¿DE DÓNDE DIABLOS VIENES?” Roier screamed(MOTHER FUCKER, WHERE IN THE HELL DID YOU COME FROM?).
“La puerta, de ahí es de donde vino esa cosa.” I said catching Roier off gourd because he didn’t know I spoke Spanish(The door, that is where that thing came from).
“Since when could you speak Spanish?” Roier asked.
“Day one off being on this hell hole of an island.”
Then a message popped up in chat ‘Roier is bleeding’ and then it said ‘Roier was slain by a Royal Guard.’ Now I was alone but not for long though, because Roier was back in less than two minutes.
“Y/N are you alright?? Did you get hurt while I was gone?” 
“Yeah I’m alright. No, I didn’t get hurt while you were gone,” I said.
Phil sent a message to Roier saying “ROIER I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL KILL YOU!”
“Hey Y/N, would you like to stay with me for the night since it's getting late?”
“Sure,” I said.
We just used the waypoint to get to Roier’s home. He showed me the only room with a bed which was Bobby's.

A few weeks after the night at Roier’s they got an announcement telling them that ‘A cargo ship crashed and there might be new residents.’ So we went to where the ship crashed. On the ship was a Brazil flag. So time to become a Portuguese speaking egg. Roier was the first to enter the ship, so I followed him. We found a guy with long blond hair panicking. “Você está bem, senhor?” I asked, the man looked shocked that I could speak Portuguese(Are you alright, sir?).
“What did you say to him? What did he say?” Roier asked.
“I asked if he was alright. He said that he wasn’t because he couldn’t find his friends.”

A few minutes later we found a man with a white streak in his hair. “CELLBO!!” the blonde shouted, hugging the man.
“Há mais alguém no navio de carga?” I asked, getting a shocked look from one of the men ‘Cellbo’ (Is there anyone else on the cargo ship?).
“Há mais três. Seu amigo é bastante atraente,” the man said(There are three more. Your friend is quite attractive).
“Ele gosta de homens. Você é?” I asked (He 's into men. Are you?). ‘Cellbo’ nodded.
“Y/N, what are you two talking about?” Roier asked.
“Tio Roier, I asked how many others are on the ship.”
“Can you ask for their names?” Roier asked, he wanted to know the man with the white streak.
“Quais são os vossos nomes?” I asked, the man with blonde hair looked over to me realizing that I was talking to both of them(What are your names?).
“Eu sou Cellbit,” said the man with the white streak.
“Eu sou Forever,” said the blonde.
“Siga-nos, acho que os outros encontraram seus amigos,” I said(Follow us I think the others found your friends). Without saying anything they followed us outside and off the ship.
“Y/N, thank the Lord you are still alive!” Phil said.
“CELLBO!!” one of the men shouted, the man had one of the other men using him to stand.
“Y/N, could you maybe fix this man's prosthetic leg?”
“I’ll need materials and a blow torch,” I said, noticing that the man that didn’t have a leg had help to sit down on the grass.
“What kind of materials?” Roier asked, handing me a blow torch.
“Two gold and three iron,” I said. Fit looked in his backpack and grabbed two gold and three iron then handed it to me.
“Senhor, você pode me passar sua perna protética, por favor?” I asked, the man was shocked that I could speak Portuguese(Sir, can you hand me your prosthetic leg please?).
“Yeah, I can. Are you the spiderman fan’s kid?” The man asked.
“No, I'm not his kid.”
After a few minutes of welding the front plate was done using both gold pieces. The iron was used to keep the chunks of the old leg together. When I finished fixing the leg I handed it back to the man.
“Thank you, uhm.”
“I’m Y/N, and you?” I asked.
“Pac,” the man said, the name ‘Pac’ suited him.

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