Chapter 4 - In Person

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It was nighttime, Cone and Seraph were still in the same spot of the couch. Sleeping together. Cone jolted awake from a loud noise outside his backyard, he carefully pulled away from Seraph and replaces his body with a pillow for him to continue sleeping with. Being scared shitless he grabbed his flashlight from his nearby table next to the backyards window, not even bringing his gun when he probably needed it most. He opened the glass door to the back just to see colored fences and his flowers he planted; he sighed in relief to know nobody's out here. Maybe. He then heard fast movement behind him, quickly shining his flashlight to see just a part of a human leg that paced across the edge of the light. This scared him a bit... Oh no... 

He breathed as the cold of the weather began to hit him; he didn't put on his jacket because he thought this would just be a quick check up. But he's starting to get cold really easily. Before he was about to take foot inside, he felt warm breaths on his neck. He stopped in his tracks, his fight or flight turning on. He took a step and slowly turned around to see a zombie with a toothy grin. They stared at each other for a while. The zombie got in Cone's face with the same expression they had when he turned around.

" ...Boo. "

Cone fucking screamed and ran off, getting chased in circles by the green critter who was just chasing him around to fuck with him. After just a few seconds of getting chased around Cone slipped on something that was stuffed in the snow, knowing his fate is just to this one zombie he stood there as they climbed on him. What's this? They didn't even do anything. They just stared at Cone with big beady eyes, this confused him a bit. Is this the zombie Seraph was describing to him? Those beady eyes quickly faded as it turned into another wide smile, about to bite Cone on the shoulder, Seraph legit dropkicked them into the fence, making a big thump sound when they hit that colorful wood as hard as throwing a rock into a window. Seraph quickly helped Cone up as they retreated back inside, the intimidating zombie following right after them. When they were about to reach the door, the zombie was close enough to grab and aggressively pull on Seraph's devilish tail. Pulling it hard enough to even detach it from the middle slightly. 


Seraph lets out a loud scream of agony, getting pulled back to fall on his side. At least it wasn't enough pain for him to stop defending himself, kicking the zombie in the face quite hard to make them let go. He quickly got up into the house and closes the sliding patio door on the critter's face. I'm telling you that zombie was licking the glass door and making stupid noises and laughing at themself for whatever they were doing. 

This kind of zombie behavior scared Seraph, honestly, they were tweaking out more than he could have when his tail was almost snatched off and all you could see was bones. Not going to lie though... Now that you mention it, oh shit. My tail... Seraph looked down to see a small puddle of blood coming from the center of it, Cone already had some bandages with him as he took Seraph to the couch and started carefully wrapping the bandages around his detached wound once they were settled. The pain stung so badly he even started crying a bit, Cone pats his back comfortingly as he continued to securely wrap the remaining strips of bandages around his tail.

" ...It's okay, Sera. It'll stop hurting sometime soon. " 

Cone started comforting Seraph as he brought him to his lap, letting him rest his head on it as he looked to his side. The zombie still on some kind of medication that was making them act the way they are now, this disturbed Cone. He should've gotten some curtains to close them on this preachified beast so he could just ignore it violating his see-through patio door. 

It was almost the morning, 5 in the morning to be exact. Cone was kept awake the entire night from the same zombie roaming his backyard and just being a dumbass. When does it ever get tired? He sighed as he continued to just listen to the zombie bite and tear up whatever was out there, even his... flowers. No, not the flowers! Those shits took forever to grow! Cone quickly got away from Seraph and lets him rest on the couch as he ran to the patio door, sliding it open he ran outside, the cold breeze hit him again. 

" Yo, dude, whatever you're doing you have to stop. You kept me up all night with your bullshit of you screaming and running your ass off! Do you ever just... Calm down?! "

Cone snapped, the zombie just staring at him with the most dumb-founded face possible. That face turned into a greeting smile as they jumped up and shook Cone's hand, aggressively swinging it up and down in a happy manner. 

" Well sure I can! I just don't plan to!!! SOOOoo... Who are you, who are you, who are youuu...? I'm Rot!!! "

Rot, huh. What a name but it fits anyway. Cone looked a bit bamboozled it could talk; you don't see that every day. He looked away at his flowers and looked back at the energetic beast before him, at least his flowers are okay. He sighed a little and just decided to start a conversation for right now. 

" I'm... Cone. Nice to meet you, I guess...? " 

" Cone! What a silly name!!! I love it! Your appearance is so cute! "

Cone starts to become an interest to Rot, they circled him and just starts looking at his features. And the cone on his head they found just cute! They even started playing with his raccoon looking tail, it wagging around a bit trying to avoid Rot. 

" Haha... Well... It was nice meeting you, Rot...? "

Cone backed away from Rot, stepping back into his house.

" Waittt, already?? But I just got to know you! "

Rot was already sad, looking at Cone with puppy eyes. They were about to follow Cone inside before he closed the door on them, locking it shut. They looked at Cone as he shook his head and was about to walk back to the couch to finally get some sleep. Before he could even take a step, he just heard Rot crying at the patio door trying to convince Cone to let them in.


Well, they sure weren't acting like it when they were begging. Cone just simply ignored them and went back to the couch, pulling Seraph back into a cuddling position, finally getting some sleep while Rot screams their heart out.






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