The Demons Come Home

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A man and a woman both in their late 20's, drive down a rural road with the radio on low.

BRANDON is the driver. He is flipping through the radio stations, but most have poor reception.

Well, you cool with a.m radio gospel?

TARA snorts and shakes her head.

Oh yes. I need a cleansing of my sins!

He stops on a station with a passionate preacher. The two of them laugh and mock the sermon.

Praise-uh! JeSUSSSSS-uh!!!!

TELL 'EM REVEREND!! Speak that truth!

They continue goofing off. Brandon looks ahead and his smile fades.

Nothing but woods and farmland as far as the eye can see.

You have any idea where we are? I dont recognize any of this. (Picks up phone). Of course we're in a damn dead zone

If I did, I would be driving. I haven't had service in like 10 minutes.

Brandon laughs and smiles at her. She smiles back.

you're my favorite smartass, you know that?

Really? Well, it seems like you need a map, not a cell signal, Copernicus.

See! There it is.

Her smirk turns into a genuine smile. She grabs his hand and he returns the favor.
The moment is interrupted by blue and red lights flashing behind them. Only Brandon notices, at first.

What the hell?

Tara stops smiling and looks in the rear view mirror at the police car behind them.


Three friends in their 20's exit a dive bar.
Clouds of smoke fill the moonlit sky. Heavy metal music blares in the background. Setting the tone.

About a dozen people are hanging out in front of the bar. Mostly smokers and band members packing their equipment.

The trio head toward the parking lot.

Two of them are a couple. The third wheel is JOHN. He's your typical plain black hoodie and blue jeans type. Not one to stand out in a crowd.

He finishes rolling a joint and then lights it. He takes a puff, and then attempts to pass it to the couple who are paying more attention to eachother.

Since they don't notice, he takes another hit.
EDDIE is the boyfriend. A former high school jock, with the beginning stages of an adult beer gut. He gives his girlfriend a lame compliment.

Have I ever told you that you look like Jennifer Lawrence?

VAL is a beautiful redhead with a little meat on her bones. She looks at him annoyed and patronized. She looks NOTHING like her, but possesses both beauty and courage. A fighter for sure.

Really Eddie? Yikes.

John reaches in his pocket to grab his phone. He receives a text from BECCA, a new friend from a dating site.

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