Ascending To Madness

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Tara drops hard to the ground. A large hunting knife is revealed in Brandon's hand, covered in blood.

The handcuffs falls to the ground.

She's tightly clenching her fists, gritting her teeth and mildly shakes. She softly sobs and looks at Brandon in terror.

He stands over her, smiling. He picks at the wound on his head and tears it off. It's a prosthetic/quib.

Laying on her back, she tries to lift herself up, but can't. legs are dead weight. She grabs at the sides of them, pulling on her pants. She cries out as she tries to move them.

He throws the bloody quib at her.

Movie magic, sweetie.

Rustling is heard coming from close by.

I see you! You better run!

Brandon waves his hands and whistles between his fingers.

I got her! It's done!

The rustling gets closer and the trooper comes into frame. He looks down at Tara, struggling to move. He finds amusement in her agony.

Hooollllyyy shit! Look at that? She's trying to move!
(to Tara)
You're paralyzed huh? Fuckin' A! That's hilarious.

He runs over and starts kicking her legs and feet.

You feel that?
(does it again)
How about that? HA! This is amazing.

The Trooper leans down and touches the exit wound from her abdomen. She winces and tries to knock his hand away, but she's too weak.

Sweetheart, don't fight. You're already dead.

What did those cops want?

Don't worry about them. They thought I was legit and asked if I needed help. Didn't even radio it in! As for the problem down the road, I covered up those tracks pretty decent.

Good. Figure they'll be onto us by tomorrow afternoon. Especially when people realize THIS ONE is missing...

A lot of people know about you two?

No, but her brother knows she's with me. I think just him knows.

Tara groans in pain and gets their attention.


I know, I know. You're shocked, huh? You and I spent all this time together, and now here you are.

BUZZ BUZZ!! A low vibration is heard. Brandon reaches in his pocket and pulls out his phone.

Yep, I got her. Has maybe.... I dunno.... 5? 10 minutes left? Yep... Looks a little out of it. Wanna talk to her before she goes? Here, I'll put you on speaker...

A female voice comes from the other end of the call.

Hey sweetie! how you holding up?

Tara's eye widen with confusion and betrayal. She struggles to talk, but is able to get a few words out.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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