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My name is Claire Day

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My name is Claire Day. I am a witch. Not just any witch, the supreme.

My choice to come to Forks was involuntary, I had to flee. My coven in New Orleans was under a menacing threat, our very own supreme Fiona Goode.  Fiona's rule was tyrannical and dangerous. Her thirst for power and immortality compelled her to commit sinful acts, such as murdering our fellow sister witches to retain her power as supreme. My sister, Misty Day was one of her unfortunate victims.

After Misty's death, my power had emerged rapidly, and soon Fiona's cold, dead body was resting unpeacefully in a Mahoney casket, buried six feet under. Some say if you listened closely you could still hear her corpse fidgeting around the casket. Although my powers had developed comprehensively, my mental state was rapidly declining. All of my powers came to me too quickly, telekinesis, concilium, divination, pyrokinesis, transmutation, and many more. My only chance was to ask the voodoo queen, Marie Laveau for help. Marie was a kind, gentle, charismatic woman, and supposedly the archnemsis of my Coven, according to Fiona, but that was old news. Marie was the only witch on par with my skills, she brought my skills of witchcraft to a whole another level as supreme, her most important lesson for me, however, was the spell of immortality.

There I was, at the ripe age of 18, frozen in time, unable to age further, fleeing from my home, and my coven, abandoning them to the hands of Cordelia Goode, Fiona's polar opposite daughter and a true leader. I had failed them as their supreme, but I needed some time away to properly grieve Misty, after all, I have forever to make it up to them. Or have I?

I had never given much thought to how I would die. Marie never got the chance to tell me if the immortality spell included not being able to be harmed by others. But dying in the place of a mere human girl, was never my intention.

In the Olympic Peninsula of northwest Washington State, a small town named Forks exists under a near-constant cover of clouds, it is the wettest place in the continental US. Fork's climate was never what drew me in, it was the small population of only 3000. It was perfect, a small, ordinary, quiet town, incapable of anything but being boring, a great place to gather my thoughts and to mourn. I was most definitely wrong.

The first night, I met them. I was flying, (although more like floating) around the vast forests that surrounded the town of Forks. Engulfing Forks in a state of greenery and tinting everything a hue of green with a hint of blue. I was unsure what I was doing in the forest, I had been too scared to go into the town alone and wanted to find an abandoned cabin in the woods and rot there for the rest of my life in my fortress of solitude. Then, suddenly, a swish of wind, the sound of leaves being crushed by a footstep, the breaking of a tree branch against someone's windbreaker echoed in my ear. I knew immediately who it was, or what it was. A vampire. The cold ones, the undead, the nosferatu, vampires were never a myth to us witches, they are the world's most dangerous apex predator, as fast as the speed of light, their strength as strong as a thousand men, but nothing compared to the power of a supreme. A witch's blood is the most alluring for a vampire, a witch's blood is like a sweet chocolatey dessert compared to the already irresistible blood of humans. So I was their prey.

𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 ❦ Twilight x AHS CovenWhere stories live. Discover now