Quileute Reservation, Forks, WA 

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Quileute Reservation, Forks, WA 

The electrical weather surrounding Forks was perfect for my little outing to the reservation. I flew just above the heavy sheath of altostratus clouds that blanketed the entire sky of the Olympic Peninsula, leaving the town enclosed in a dome of greyness.  The lack of sunlight even above the horizon of clouds surprised me, I felt like I was flying in some doomsday or armageddon. Certainly not flying in the clear. From what I could see, beneath the veil of clouds covering my eyesight, I was just flying above the highway, I could see just where the Cullen territory ended with Highway 101, and where the reservation land began. 

I landed myself in the mass amounts of the national park that circled the Clearwater's residence and proceeded to make the rest of my journey on foot. It was only a couple of meters until I reached the house. The Clearwater house was very homey, unlike the Cullen's mansion in many ways. It was not modern, but rather very traditional, Its wooden roof and dull red paint made the house resemble more like a barn. The house didn't have huge windows allowing the sunlight to seep through freely, but it had small square windows on either side of the house. My only explanation for these miniature windows is that La Push is much sunnier than Forks. 

"Leah? Are you in?" 

I knocked burgundy door twice, before realizing it was unlocked. As I pushed open the door, there was utter silence except for the screeching of the metal screen door. Was no one in the house? How strange. Usually, Sam or Leah is always here, Seth must be at school, Sue and Harry must be at work. I carefully treaded through the house, moving almost like a cat, not wanting to disturb to accidently walk in on anyone. The house was the same as I'd always remembered, utterly embellished with pictures, paintings, and tribal accessories. My favorite, was the framed photograph of me, Sam, and Leah on our graduation. Leah graduated valedictorian, and Sam was so proud of her that he had tears in his eyes, you can just see how red his eyes were in the photo. 

I made my way to Leah's bedroom, on the second floor of the house. I could just hear tiny whimpers as I approached her door. What is going on? As I opened the door, I found a teary-eyed Leah in her bed, crying as if there was no tomorrow. A mountain of used tissues surrounded her, and as she saw me, she hid her face in her covers. 

"Leah, what has happened?" I asked as I immediately went to her side. I sat on the edge of the bed, leaning in, and wiping some residue tears on her cheeks with my handkerchief. 

"Sam... left.." Those were the only words Leah managed to get out between sobs, as she choked on her own tears. 

"What? Why? Did he give you an explanation?" Fury roared inside me, Sam has been acting especially strange in these past days. I thought it was about the Cullens or maybe other kids from the tribe began shapeshifting, but I never thought he could hurt Leah. Leah only shook her head in despair to answer my question. How absolutely rude! How unchivalrous! How unlike Sam! There was definitely something more going on, maybe it's a wolf thing. 

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