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"Ms. Cullen, your late"

Mr Banner's manly voice ranged throughout my head like a loud fire alarm as I hastily stepped into what was going to be the most boring lesson of the day. Biology. Still with some pizza grease on the sides of my mouth that I quickly wiped off with my cotton handkerchief I always carried with me, which of course, had my initials sewed in by my sister. Old fashioned I know.

"I what? Oh, right I'm so sorry Mr.Banner, I had to finish my lunch"

Sometimes it still took me a minute to adjust to my new last name as a 'Cullen', not that I accepted it much myself, but hearing it come out of other people's mouths was a hundred times weirder.

"It seems your usual seat is occupied, may I suggest you take a seat next to Angela?"

What? Occupied? I looked over to my designated row, alongside Edward. But to my greatest surprise there she sat. The conspicuous new girl, the phantom girl that everyone seems to be obsessing over, or having a problem with today. She looked up at me with a shy look of sorriness as she took my deserving seat next to my 'brother'. I flashed her a quick, but fake smile and shot an angry look at Edward, who looked very preoccupied with something inside that freakish mind of his. 

Angela, which one is Angela again? I thought as I strutted down the aisle to locate my new table and desk partner. Great. I had been banished all the way to the back of the classroom, as Edward and his new toy sat, high and mighty at the front, how must Edward be enjoying snooping around the newcomer's mind like it's his own mental asylum.

However, Edward seemed off. The entire lesson he had his hand over his mouth and nostrils, as if blocking out some terrible odor. Even sitting at the back of the classroom, only able to see his muscular and overly straight back, I could tell he was sitting on the edge of his chair, averting his face from the new Swan girl. What was his problem? He was stiff as a pole. I tried to talk to Edward telepathically, but he blocked me out of his mind completely, I tried harder.

Stop it  Was all I got from him.

I rolled my eyes and scanned through the minds of the other students, they had sensed it too, the subtle change in the already eerie creature that was Edward, how he somehow got a thousand times more creepy. Finally, I decided to try his new deskmate. I squinted my eyes trying to look past those luscious strands of brunette hair. But I got nothing. Absolutely radio silence. Like the girl has never thought a single thought in her mind. It was bewildering. Edward must be having this technical issue too, that's why he was acting so strange. I tried harder, with more force, I even tried Concilium, to manipulate her mind and make her stand up in front of the whole class to do something stupid. But nothing worked. This girl was like a shield to all of my abilities, immune, safe, and at the same time a threat to me and my abilities. Was she a test for my abilities as supreme? Did the witch council know I was mingling with these vampires and decided to punish me? A thousand possibilities soared through my head.

At last, the bell rang, and Edward sprang out of his seat in that very second and dashed out of the classroom. I wanted to follow him, but I couldn't push past the sudden swarm of student bodies that filled up the classroom. When I finally got outside, he was gone, the silver Volvo was also nowhere in sight. Behind me I heard Alice and the others swiftly arrive as well, although I couldn't hear their footsteps, I could feel their presence sending shivers down my skin.

"I saw it, in my visions, he's gone"

"What? Where? Does Carlisle know?" Asked Emmett

"Esme will be hurt." Said Jasper, emotions were kinda his thing.

"Let's ditch the rest of the day, go home, and touch base" I suggested

Cullen Mansion

"Carlisle what's going on" Demanded Rosalie, always the pressing one, as she stormed into the Cullen house. Esme's expression was easy to read, she had been crying, and those violet vampire eyes bags under her hazel eyes were now red and puffy. Carisle's expression was more complex, a mix between regret and its hard to say but ... relief?

"Edward has decided to take a break, he's been troubled..."

"Is it that new Swan girl? I'll kill her!"

"Hey, Jasper!" Everyone immediately shifted their attention to the newest vegetarian, the one that lacked the most restraint and practice, the one most prone to making reckless mistakes like these.

"Easy. Easy."

Alice put her hand up Jasper's back and slowly caressed his shoulders, making him more at ease. But Jasper looked unconvinced, his chest was puffing up and down and his breaths were short and sharp. He was trying very hard to suppress whatever vampire urge he had inside him. Then Jasper's eyes locked with mine, and I knew immediately what he wanted. My blood.


My voice was trailing off, My hand was conjuring a powerful energy blast that I was prepared to throw anytime at him if he were to lunge towards me suddenly. In a split second, Rosalie, Emmett, and Carlise had formed a physical wall between me and the blood-deprived Jasper, he was becoming hysterical now, Alice tried to contain him but he was too strong for her.

"Emmett, take Jasper to hunt, NOW"

Carlisle half-yelled, this was the loudest Carlisle had ever projected his voice, his authoritative voice made Emmett immediately take action. Emmett threw Jasper over his back, and within seconds, they disappeared into the endless woods that stretched beyond Cullen's place.

"Claire, I apologize for Jasper"

"Don't worry about it guys, seriously, It wasn't his fault, it was an accident. Today has been very tense for everyone. No blood no foul right?"

"you're right, let's get back to Edward, where has he gone?"

Rosalie was determined to get back to Edward, I was too. It worried me not knowing what he was planning, or thinking in his head. I didn't want him to do anything stupid, at least not because of that new girl.

"Edward has found his singer, and it is Isabella Swan. He has fought his urges very hard today. I am very proud of him, so he came to me and asked me for a couple of weeks away, just to rethink and regroup himself."

Upon hearing the word "singer" the mood shifted immensely, and the vampires became more understanding. Rosalie's furrowed brow smoothed and Alice let out a quick "of course" under her breath. But I was stuck in a state of confusion. What in the hell is a singer?

Esme walked over to me, speaking in a tender and soft voice, she slowly explained while rubbing shoulders, it was her way of also apologizing for the disturbing events that occurred just minutes ago.

"Singers are like our own personal brand of drug, the one whose blood appeals to us the most, the one that no matter what the circumstances are the thirst is unbearable. The one we must have. It is only in our sinful nature"

I signed, what a doomed life Isabella Swan was going to have.

𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 ❦ Twilight x AHS CovenWhere stories live. Discover now