"Idiot! Lunatic! Moron! Jackass! Selfish, irresponsible fool!"

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"Idiot! Lunatic! Moron! Jackass! Selfish, irresponsible fool!"

Rosalie's furious words ricocheted throughout the dining room. Or as the Cullens liked to call it, their conference room. Nobody ever used the dining room, but Carlisle was scrupulous about having all the correct props in place. I had never personally witnessed the conference in use, but hearing some of their ludicrous stories, with a group of such strong and disparate personalities, they needed a space to discuss things in a calm, seated manner.

Carlisle and Esme were already in the room, they sat hand in hand at the eastern head of the room.

Rosalie came in next, sitting directly across Carlisle, at the other side of the long, 12 seater, mahogany table. By now it was clear that lines were drawn, and everyone needed to choose a side.

Then Edward, he sat on the other side of Carlisle, as the opposing party of Rosalie. Edward wore a stressed emotion, his mind was in mayhem. I tried to soothe it, but he shook me out of his mind.

This is not your fight, Claire

Your fight is my fight

Emmett was next, he immediately sat beside Rosalie, his face and thoughts both wry, but he sat sternly, caressing Rose's back.

Jasper hesitated, glanced towards Carlisle's direction, but ultimately went to stand against the wall behind Rosalie.

Alice walked in with that cloudy look in her eyes again, she must be seeing one of her visions. She shook her head repeatedly as she took her seat next to Esme, rubbing her temples and closing her tired eyes. Jasper moved impulsively and considered joining her, but he stood his ground.

I was the last to come in, all eyes were on me. But my decision didn't affect the numbers anyway, Edward's side was winning. Edward was right, this wasn't my fight. Although I will be forced to say goodbye to the Cullens and life in Forks if anything does happen to sabotage their carefully masked identity. But I could care less if Isabella Swan breathed or not. Rosalie was glaring at me now, her honeysuckle eyes were even more highlighted by her platinum blond hair, and they were eying me down. I chose to sit in the middle of the two parties.

"I'm sorry," Edward spoke first, "I didn't mean to put any of you at risk. It was thoughtless, and I take full responsibility for my hasty action."

Rosalie quickly rebutted, "What do you mean, 'take full responsibility'? Are you going to fix it?". This was turning into a debate.

Edward stayed silent.

"Don't go" murmured Esme. Her heart-shaped face was now carrying a frown, and she extended her hand across the table to Edwards.

Alice stared up at the ceiling wearily. "I can't see what will happen if we just ignore this." She glanced at Rose and Jasper.

Rosalie's palm smacked down on the table with a loud bang. "We can't allow the human a chance to say anything. Carlisle, you must see that. Even if we decided to all disappear, it's not safe to leave stories behind us. We live so differently from the rest of our kind—you know some would love an excuse to point fingers. We have to be more careful than anyone else!"

𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 ❦ Twilight x AHS CovenWhere stories live. Discover now