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The good Lianster girl, the polite and sweet daughter any parent would take pride in. Every instruction, every rule, obeyed to the core. For the sake of keeping herself safe, Eri made sure she never got into too much trouble.

When she did, it was never because of something drastic. It was almost always because of unavoidable clumsiness.

This time, however, with a gun pointed straight to her face, Eri thought back to every action she had taken. What went wrong? Should she have just minded her own business when she heard gunshots nearby?

Perhaps she should have, but had she chosen to play ignorant, the guilt would have probably killed her instead. After all, a child no older than eight dying to a bunch of low lifes would be a tragedy.

Though, at that moment, she couldn't help but feel as though she had volunteered herself to be collateral damage.

Actually, scratch that.

She has crossed the point of collateral and instead became the main victim.

Stupid. Stupid. She hissed internally as she hid the boy behind her. Her hand trembled, the fear showing in bits through her body language. Still, she feigned bravery at the figurative face of death.

"We have nothing to give you." She utters, through heavy breath. The man pointing the gun at her cocked his head to the side. "You have a bag, he has a bag," He then nudged the gun to her side, the coolness of the weapon sending shivers up her spine. "Give it up. Now."

Eri groaned internally. Her bag contained a laptop that contained documents for the Student Council. All of which, were made from hours upon hours of time and work.

She contemplated asking them if they'd allow her to transfer her files to a portable drive, but from the looks on the thieves' faces, Eri concludes that a probable result would be a shot to the head.

All outcomes seemed unfavorable at the moment, but Eri weighed the circumstances and felt that dying with a hole on her forehead would not be a beautiful exit to a mundane story. Alas, the files will have to go.

With a face almost matching that of a prune, Eri reluctantly lowered the strap of her bag from her shoulder. The thieves smiled triumphantly at the sight, thinking they had a successful loot. However, before Eri could hand over her bag, the boy behind her grabbed her arm to stop her.

Eri looked down towards the boy, whose hair... honestly looked like he had come out of a washing machine. It was not something she should judge, of course. It is very rude to judge a person of their own unique style when she, herself, also had times of questionable fashion choices. Perhaps the kid just liked Einstein's hair, with all the strands sticking up all over.

Ah, right. We're literally being held at gunpoint.

Eri's eyes softened, thinking that the boy didn't want to give up his bag. Maybe something inside is of value to him.

She leaned down a bit, like an elder giving advice to the youth. With an empathetic look on her face, she prepared to give out a life lesson to the child.

But before she could speak, the boy gently pushed her behind him and focused his gaze on the group of thieves.

"I don't like bullies." He glared at the men. Eri felt her soul departing from her body the moment the boy spoke. She was practically sweating harder than a sinner confessing their sins. "H-hey... little dude.. We should-"

"You two wanna get shot that badly, huh?" Says one of the thieves. The group was growing more livid by the moment, clearly not liking the challenge the little boy posed. One man walks to the boy, an aura of confidence and annoyance brimming from deep inside him. "You have five seconds to give me the bag... Or else.." He then waits a second, as if letting his declaration sink in before speaking once more.

"One..." He growls.

The child only looked at the man straight in the eye and smirked. "Two." He counts, continuing the count for him. The man's veins bulges out in anger at the taunt, taking it as a method of mockery.

His hand reaches out to grab the boy, his movements driven by rage. "Why you-!"

Just before the man could reach him, a force unlike anything of this world had him flying straight to the wall. The impact had results Eri deemed inelegant. The blinks she took to process the otherworldly attack didn't help at all.

Taking her eyes off of the knocked-out man, Eri returned her gaze towards the boy and the remaining group of thieves. The thieves were frozen in place, likely shocked at the interception of their robbery, but the boy looked relaxed. Eri takes a step back, her hand clutching her bag tightly as a man clad in strange clothes calmly walked towards them.

Then, the unthinkable happened.

The man in strange clothes started introducing himself as the Great Saiyaman, the hero who's become the talk of the town after a series of heroic rescues. Eri has only ever heard of him through rumors from people, but she never would have guessed that he was like... this.

His performance included a series of poses only people with incredible amounts of self confidence could do. Eri would have clapped if she could, but the shock she felt at that moment only allowed her the action of blinking in stupor. Did I just witness a power ranger in real life or-?

"Broth- I mean, Great Saiyaman! You're here!" The boy exclaimed, clearly excited. He was probably the only person in the site that felt positively of the exchange. The hero smiled and pointed to the child in full confidence. "Worry not, dear citizens! The Great Saiyaman has come to help!"

At that, the boy jumps in joy, clapping and cheering as if the day is saved. Eri, on the other hand, was still processing everything that was happening like an old computer, standing still at the side and confused as heck. The thieves also had a look of bewilderment, but as they exchanged looks, they collectively decided to attack.

They took out their guns and pointed it at Saiyaman, who only chuckled softly with his arms crossed. "Go ahead."

"This cocky motherfu-" The sound of guns collectively firing fills the air.

Eri felt her heart drop.

For the next few seconds, silence filled the air and for a moment, Eri thought she had just witnessed a murder. The only thing reassuring her was the fact that she hasn't heard anything falling to the floor.

When the smoke cleared, Saiyaman was still standing and Eri sighed in relief. Though, that fact also had her thinking. Just what is he?

The thieves, now realizing the lack of power their weapons had over their opponent, felt the blood drain from their face as the hero cracked his knuckles.

Almost deviating completely from his personality earlier, the hero looked at them with a serious gaze, almost as if he knew he fully controlled the outcome of the fight.

"Let's settle this."

Timeline - Gohan x OC Where stories live. Discover now