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Great Saiyaman didn't even take 30 seconds to take down all the robbers.

One by one, they fell from one punch, and as ridiculous as it may sound, Eri actually felt bad for them. Not because she felt genuine concern for their well-being, but more on because she pitied them for not being able to grow enough brain cells to think about the consequences of their actions before they commited the crime.

After all, this is Satan City, where the Champion himself and his daughter lives.

With the addition of Saiyaman's presence, one would think people would be a little bit more hesitant on becoming a menace to society, no?

The robbers lay scattered on the ground as if they were sprinkles meant to design the alleyway. One of them even had the unfortunate fate of being the one thrown near the opening of a sewer.

Delightful smell, isn't it? Eri thought inwardly with a satisfaction that seemed as if she was the one who actually worked to fight them off.

However, as Saiyaman turned towards her and the boy, Eri quickly cancelled the grin growing on her face. Like the heroine to a play, she placed her hand on her chest and was about to thank him when all of a sudden...

She felt herself being picked up at the blink of an eye.

She let out a scream as she found herself ascending above the skyscrapers with every blink she took. She gripped the hero's shoulders like it was her lifeline, which was not an exaggeration in this case.

Saiyaman then slowed down his ascent and soon came to a full stop.

Eri breathed a sigh of relief as she calmed her heart. She thought it was over. "O-okay... Thank you for saving-"

With speeds enough to rival a racing driver at his fastest, Saiyaman shot through the skies with Eri in his arms.

Eri's soul left for a second time that day.

A minute later, Eri finds herself at the roof of Orange Star High School. She remained standing in place, mouth agape, and hair looking as if she had just gone through a typhoon. She thought that if she had calculated her heartbeat at that moment, she would've surpassed her maximum heart rate.

Great Saiyaman was by her side, looking nervously at her. "Are you alright?"

Eri's head slowly turned so she'd face him, her eyes wide open. "Yeah, not like I just bordered a heart attack."

The hero smiled sheepishly as he rubbed his nape. "Ah... Sorry about that... I just thought you'd like to get to school on time."

With that, Eri's breath hitched and she checked her watch. It was a good minute before the bell rings. She sighed in relief. "Ah, right. Thank you."

"You're welcome." He replied. He then looked around, feeling a bit awkward. "I guess I should go now."

Eri nodded. "Are you going back for that kid?"

Saiyaman froze for a good second before recovering. "Uh, yeah! I'm going to help him find his mom." He smiled. At that, Eri nodded, again. "Please do."

"Alright! Good day to you, citizen! Stay out of trouble and always be on the lookout for danger." He quickly flew out of the area and Eri took a moment to watch him fly out into the distance.

When he finally disappeared from sight, Eri reudjusted her bag before turning around to start walking down to her floor.

As she walked, she couldn't help but think about the child whom she almost got voluntarily robbed with. That spiky haired boy, who had guts triple the size of him. She hoped that Saiyaman would get back to him quickly so he'd be returned into his mother's arms as soon as possible.

Eri then sighed, the steps to the stairs seemingly endless as she descended.

Now that I think about it, The Great Saiyaman talked normally to me and knew I studied here.

She stopped, just as she reached her floor.

I feel like I've met him before.


"Goten! What were you thinking! I thought you were going to go meet up with Trunks!" Gohan furrowed his brows as he gazed worriedly at his little brother.

The younger Saiyan shrugged as he looked at the pile of thieves he had just tied together with a rope. "I saw them terrorizing people around when I was on my way. I thought I could just... you know... be like you for a bit?"

Gohan's eyes softened, but they still held some level of strictness. "You can be like me when you grow up Goten, but not right now, okay? You almost got caught."

"I know, I know... I'm really sorry Gohan." With a lowered head, Goten apologized sincerely. Gohan only shook his head as he looked at him. "You're good, Goten. Just be more careful, alright?"

Goten nodded, earning a smile from Gohan, who was satisfied at the fact that his little brother listened well.

Then, as if echoing through the air, Gohan heard a distant bell ringing. His eyes widened as he realized he was late.

"I gotta go now Goten!" He waved goodbye as he ran. "Be good!"

Taking to the skies, he shot through the air and maneuvered around the buildings with ease.

It did not take him long to reach Orange Star High School. However, by then, the bells have already stopped ringing.

He ran down the stairs, clutching his bag tightly as he attempted to reach his classroom before the first teacher could come in. The hallways were devoid of students and some classes had already started, Gohan could only hope this one tardiness would not reach his mother.

When he reached his classroom, he quickly notices the absence of a teacher. He sighed in relief before continuing in.

Some of his classmates greeted him a good morning as he walked by them, he responded back with polite greetings of his own.

Finally, he reached his seat and sat down without feeling the weight of worry. Still, he made it a point not to blow his cover.

He looked to his seatmate and smiled.

"Good morning Eri."

Timeline - Gohan x OC Where stories live. Discover now