Does it matter?

101 3 6


"Does it matter who wins the argument?"
(ft. The clones)


Urogi: Yea it matters, I wanna win 😈

- Almost never wins
- a dumbass


Karaku: It matters...but what matters more is ✨fairness✨ 😄

- Everybody loves him
- looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you


Aizetsu: I don't care...but if you try to win....

- Gives up on everything
- Has already come up with 1637 ways to win an argument


Sekido: It doesn't matter...but what matters is, Who the fuck are you to start an argument with me??

- Sassy bitch
- surprisingly wins in an argument


Zohakuten: Yes.

- Is a fucking menace
- give this kid coffee


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