4. sway and swivel ⚠️

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Again, please, if you know me, do not read this.

Warnings: spicy, thigh riding....

Word count;778

I pulled my tie up towards my collared shirt and clip the two pieces together with a tie snap, my all black suit had always done me well for meetings, it lets people know that you aren't there to fuck around and find out.

All of a sudden I hear bare feet hit the wooden flooring l, I look up to see my fiancée stood with a summer dress on and doc martens and some socks in her hand.

"I want to go with you to the meeting." She said with a sweet voice she knew I couldn't resist.

"Lila baby, if you come with me, you have to be sensible, don't talk to anyone and do as I say." She nodded her head at me and ran to sit on my desk chair to put her shoes on.

Once I had Finnish tidying up my hair, I turn back around to the girl who was just finishing up her laces, I smile to myself at the thoughts going rabid through my head.

I walk towards Lila, I turn the chair around to face me as I cock my head a smile.

"Get up darling." She complied and stood up and she watched me sit myself down where she was, I slide my hand around her waist and pull her to straddle on of my thighs.

"We still have 30 minutes until I have to leave, and you look so cute in your dress Mio angelo."

I trace my finger up her spine and she moves her hips into me with a shiver, a breath leaves her mouth as she comes into contact with my thigh.

"Move your hips darling, I know you want to."

Lila put her head down, almost in shame of herself, fear of me reading her mind again.
She settles herself down onto me again, this time, putting her weight down onto me.

I take her hips in my hands and guide her long my body. She rests her head onto my shoulder as breathy sighs leave her mouth.

"Let me hear you lila love."

Her rocking becomes more consistent as she gets more confident in herself, the moans threatening to leave her parted lips, I slide my tongue up her neck, towards the underneath of her ear, I suck my teeth into her neck and her back arched into me.

Her hips rolled into me with rythem and her acrylics dug into the back of my neck and my shoulders.

"Fuck, please. Y/N please." Little Lila shooke her head side to side as she rocked back and forth, shuddering her body every other sway of her hips.

"I cant, Y/N its.. to. Much. Cant."
The girl stuttered and stammered out her words, poor girl get so anxious when she is overstimulated.

"Yes you can sweetheart, and you will."

Her head hung back off my shoulder, leaving her jugular covered in purple marks from my teeth, I watch as her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she begins so whimper and breath out more rugedly than before.

"Good job Piccola colomba, why don't we stay home, watch a movie, have a bath, play some games? Does that sound good?"

Lila nodded her head with a sad look on her face.

"What's wrong Piccolo amore?"
My voice smoothing out as I pick her up and sit her back down on my lap, this time her facing sideways so she isn't legs spread over my lap.

"Youre gonna miss your meeting and I'm sorry." I shook my head and smiled at her.

"My darling girl, it wasn't important for me to be there anyway. I only turn up because its professional, but they work for me, not the other way around. I can sort it out for another day."

"Now, would you like a bath or to cuddle?"
She smiles and looks up at me.

"Can we get changed and lay down and hug?"

"There was no need to even ask love." I laugh as I carry her to her side of the bed, I help her get her fluffy PJ's on and then I get dressed I to my plaid pj trousers and a black graphic T-shirt.

I hold Lila in my arms with a content smile in my face.

All of a sudden, Lila burrows her head into my shirt to lay on my boobs. I shake my head at her but can't move the warm feeling throughout my body.

Lei è il mio unico vero amore.

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