10. Helping hands.

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Please listen to Stay alive by José González while you read this...

Super short one guys my bad

Trigger warning: suiside and scars, talk about self harm.

Word Count: 592.

I always thought death would come to me as an old friend, a cold, comforting hand that would guide me to the afterlife. Whatever it is.
But that day, it wasn't death that took hold of me.

I stood alone, my feet planted firmly on the metal railing. the stars shined the brightest I had seen in years, however the city was silent, only a faint muffle of cars on the highway nearby, birds frolicking in the branches around me and the sound of wind rushing through the meadow a few hundred yards away. Everything around me carried on, it wouldn't matter to the world if I took one step forward, let myself fall from the bridge and hope that my life leaves my body before I hit the old railway below me.

The very thought of not being in pain anymore exited me, it gave me hope that it could get better.
However I began to rethink as I lifted my right foot of the railing to step off. I leant backwards in hopes that the weight of my body would send me towards the path.
Although just my luck, the wind picked up and propelled me forwards.

The rest happened in slow motion. I excepted it.
My other foot slipped from underneath me, i began to fall forward, the overgrown train tracks directly below me now. The air around me struck cold, merciless gusts knived the scarred skin attached to my hollow bones.

I closed my eyes and relaxed, I leant into the fall. All thoughts faded for a second. When all of a sudden, the city got loud like it once used to be when I was younger, heavy and frantic footsteps made their way towards me, i regained the sensation in my body as warm hands locked in around my chest, my vision blurred as I began to cry.

I looked down at the hands that caught me, seeing a freshly painted set of nails, with the most elegant gold rings hugged around her fingers.

The woman pulled me over the railing, her hands trailed from my chest to my waist, they clenched in fists around my hoodie, her nails threatening the cotton as she squeezed frightfully, seemingly not wanting for me to try again.

Tears pricked my eyes and before I knew it, my head was on the woman's chest as she stroked over the mattes in my hair, caused mostly by the wind while I was stood up in the sky. My breath became rugged, the lady lent back and held my face in her palms and uttered her first words to me.

"Oh you sweet thing, what is your name?" Her eyes softend as I looked up at her through my eyebrows, not having the engery to move my head.
"Kathryn, I'm sorry, I didn't think anyone would be about this late." She shook her head at me and placed her hand on the small of my back as she started walking towards the lit path.
"I'm just glad I was on a walk, or I would never have bumped into you."

There was something about her, the way her hair fell up one her collarbones, how her eyes glistened in the low light under the gaze of the stars, she looked so full of life.

Maybe living might not be so bad after all...

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