2. Inc & interest.

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Lol idk, I think that tattoos are hot and I'd pass out if a hot tattoo artist had her hand on my thigh.

Word count: 985


I sat down on my chair with a sigh after finishing my second client of the day, he had a big back piece done of line work, it took around 4 hours because I was Finishing yesterdays work off, it was around 3:30pm and I had two more clients left.
My last piece would be small butterflies on a man's wrist and my next piece is going to be a Girls first thigh tatt. She had a consultation with another artist about a month ago, he drew the stencil and it looks sick, sadly he had a family emergency and had to travel back home to America, so he gave the price to me.

I eat a sandwich and drink a monster and set up for the girl who is about to come in for her appointment. I finish wiping down the couch, I put my ink trolley next to me and turn on the Bluetooth speaker so my client can have her music on in the background.
The doorbell for my room goes off so I stand up and head towards the front office.

A short girl with brunette hair is stood facing the graffiti wall with a smile on her face. I walk towards her and she turns to me, I put my hand out and speak up.
"Hey I'm Y/N, I'm going to be putting your ink in today." She her ears perk up at the sound of my voice, a smile grows on her voice and she places her hand in mine to shake it.
"Hi, I'm Skye." I step back and turn around.
"Alright love, follow me to my studio and we will put your stencil on and get started." as I walk away, she follows behind me as if to be a lost puppy, her hands stuck to her side while she stands next to the couch, I laugh as she motions with her hands in question whether to sit down or not.

"since this is a thigh tattoo I'm going to need you to actually stand up for me to put the stencil on. she nods and walks towards me, I kneel down, shave the area clean and put it down now having the stencil in my hands and start to place it on her upper leg, I look up at her to ask her if the placement is okay all to see that she is already making eye contact with me.

"its perfect, don't worry." she says while patting my shoulder, I stand up and tell her to get comfortable. she nods and lays down on her side with the leg I'm tattooing over her other. I turn my machine on and dip in into the ink, I put my left hand on her upper thigh with the cloth to spread the skin.

"feel free to tell me if and when you need a break, you can talk or stay quiet, I don't mind, my music may not be your taste so ask me to put something else on and I will." she smiles at me with a relaxed face and lays her head back on her rolled up jacket, I put the needle up to her thigh and she sighs at the contact.

throughout the tattoo we chat about loads of things ranging from our favourite colours to our least favourite family members and why we don't like them, she talks about her life in university and I talk about the random stuff that I see as a tattoo artist. we laugh and she doesn't tap out once.

My hand gets further up her thigh as I'm nearing finishing the tattoo, her breaths become shaky but I ignore it as people tend to get more sensitive towards the end of the session. I draw in my last line and wipe over it with the cloth. I poor the saline water over it and look up at Skye to see her face flushed red and her hairs stood up on end.

"Are you alright there sweetheart? you could have told me to stop if I was being to rough." she smiles at me and shakes her head to me in dismissal.

" Oh don't you worry about me, you're doing your job more than well."

"Oh is that so? I'll clean you up and we can take some photos of your ink." I stand up and wipe over her leg with saline water, she bring her self if the tatto couch and walks towards the miror.

"Yo wait this is amazing, thank you."
She smiles to herself in the mirror and looks up to meet my eyes in the reflection.

"Come on sweetheart, stand there and I'll take the photos." She smirks to herself.

"And why would I do what you say 'sweetheart'"
She says to me in a mocking tone.

I reach under my desk and pull out a cheese grater. I hold it up and cock my head.
She burst out laughing and moves to wear I told her to stand.

"Smart choice for a smart girl."
I take my phone and take the photos.

She walks towards the door and she turn back to me before she leaves.

"I'm sorry honey but I cant keep on acting when you're so so so hot."
My wife walks towards me and kisses me lovingly.

Every time I tattoo her, we plan to reenact the first time we met. It's always fun and we have a good laugh afterwards.
I wasn't even meant to be tattooing her today but when opportunity strikes to tattoo my wife I take it.

I take her hand after grabbing my things and we walk out to my car to go home.

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