5. The More You Know: The Beginning

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Omniscient POV
(Next Week)
"There it is, a warlock." Dru stated as he was looking through The Book of Shadows.

"What does it say about them?" Denim asked.

"Well come see, you too Dominic, this is book is for all of us, so let's learn and observe together." Dru responded as he told his brothers to come by his side.

" Dru responded as he told his brothers to come by his side

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"A warlock is the direct counterpart to a witch.

Their main goal is to kill witches for their power, the more power they gain, the more powerful they are.

They get from one place to another by the teleportation power called blinking because they literally move as quickly as blinking of the eyes.

If the warlock is low level they can simply be vanquished by an active power or a simple spell.

If the warlock is at a higher level it may take a potion accompanied by a spell." Dominic began reading, "To spot a warlock, they're known to use the ancient knife athame, they use this weapon to draw the power from a witch while killing them."

"Now that we officially have our powers, we need to start getting them down before we get attacked again." Dominic declared.

Dru's demeanor changed right after that statement, "Or not..." Dominic sarcastically wondered referring to his brother's attitude.

"No, it's okay, one of you gets to move things with their mind while the other can make things stop, what am I gonna do? I see the damn future, I don't think my powers works like y'all, from what I noticed Dominic's seems like they work on emotion the most, but I've only seen him use them when having to think quick so basically panic, Denim it seems like yours activated when you needed to defend yourself, and as for myself I think mine really are based off chance, I may get a premonition, I may not, how the hell is that gonna help me when all types of shit is coming at me." Dru ranted barely taking a breath.

"When the hell did you of all people become so dramatic?" Both Dominic and Denim questioned.

"When I found out we're witches and I got the passive power out of the three." Dru replied following it with a comedic, "Hmph."

"Drulen, without your power, that could've been a chance of me not being here, maybe your power is more important than you think." Denim announced with a hint of gratitude in there somewhere.

"Hey, I wonder if I can use my powers to win the lottery, I wouldn't have to work ever again." Dru blurted.

"Uhm, that would be breaking one of the basic rules," Dominic informed, "A witch may not use their powers for personal gain." They all mockingly chimed.

"Okay, how would we learn the consequences, if we don't test the waters, to be fair, we went our whole lives not knowing any of this, now we gotta play catch up." Dru expressed.

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