Episode 9: Unraveling Motivation

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For the next month or so, Mikey continued to filter out all the filth that held power in leadership positions. He would either knock them down to the bottom step, or eliminate them. At the moment, it seemed to be working. Police were well aware of this new crime 'anti-crime' system and sort of kept their ear to the ground. What they were doing was risky, but it seemed for the most part to be a positive thing. Regardless, there was definitely controversy on the way certain things were maintained and carried out. Most often the subject being on the brutal killings of those found 'unfixable'. It was a unique perspective on the value and behavior of human society, and those that were different.

For Mikey though, his plan was working. He almost got giddy that everything was working so well in his favor. He had so many feelings and emotions that he never felt or tried to explore before. He felt free...

But also terrified. Though, that was part of the charm wasn't it? The cruel twisted charm of power and justification through the warped mind of someone struggling with acceptance. He had this all under control, so why was he so worried?

He sat on the roof ledge of the group's building. (Shredders old lair) He sat with his armor and mask on as he became more paranoid lately about showing his face anywhere near that location. He wrote in a book of his about his thoughts. Though, the words were coming less that day as he struggled to write how he was feeling. Feeling became difficult to explain at all. 

"At some point after going so far in, everything blocks out and you focus and what your doing. Sitting like this just makes me re-evaluate and question everything I just did. It's too stressful. I can't right now. Sorry book."  :/

He drew an upset face, before closing the book and setting it beside him. He grunted in frustration and leaned back onto his back. He was immediately startled though when he saw Tiger Claw standing behind him causing him to quickly sit up and slip a little off the ledge. Tiger Claw grabbed his shoulder and pulled him up back to his sitting position before taking a seat beside him. "Sorry." Tiger Claw said sitting down. "I didn't mean to startle you, I noticed you had been out here for quite some time." Mikey cleared his throat making sure the voice scrambler was still on. "No, it's fine. I get jumpy when I think sometimes. That's all." He said trying not to be too awkward. Tiger Claw acted as to be holding an invisible coin. "A Yen for your thoughts perhaps?" He said gesturing the idea hypothetically. Mikey sat quiet for a moment, before sighing. "I just want everything to work. But I feel people don't get the weight of the situation. I don't want to hurt anyone, but some people just can't change! Why can't they see that? And why do they get so upset that these murderers get killed? Isn't it ironic?" He said getting a little worked up. Tiger Claw popped in a smoke. "Let me tell you a story from my country." Mikey listened,

"There was once a time in Japan, that people were ruled through fear and hierarchy. There was an Emperor that lived in a castle that overruled everything. They created a system of Japanese Military leaders called Shogun, and their soldiers were the Samurai. They were divided into regions all over the nation to enforce justice and law to keep peace among the land. However, the Emperor was very isolated to certain problems. Over such a large country, he didn't see the Shogun slowly rise to power. Many who were thought to be great friends and ally's, figuratively and literally were stabbing each other in the back. The soldiers of local Japanese military were abusing their power as Samurai to get special privilege of the land. The system started as relatively reasonable, but it just takes that one person somewhere on that chain for everyone below to fall apart. Soon, much of Japan was ruled by a supreme Shogun called a Shogunate, and many battles ensued between the clans of Shogun. By the time the dust settled, the Emperor was right back where he started, and he lost all of his power."

Tiger Claw exhaled a puff of smoke. Mikey just stared blankly. "What's your point?" He said a little frustrated. Tiger claw knocked the last bits from his smoke. "Be careful who you put your faith in. You might think you have this all figured out, but you can't see everything. You never know when a Shogun might rise to power, and make his own little army of Samurai from your men. It's happened before, and will happen again. It's the cycle of war." Mikey looked down for a moment. "I want to brake that cycle. I can keep them from rebelling." He said sternly. Tiger Claw laughed. "I've found that the more you tell someone not to go into a room, the more likely they are to take a peak. It's human nature." Mikey replied with silence. Then a thought came to him, "You're not saying I'm going about this all wrong are you?" He said with a bit of anger. Tiger Claw sighed deeply. "I used to be a minion for a tyrannical overlord who mutated himself into a monster. I'm not the one to call judgement on things such as this." He said with a small chuckle. "If no one has gotten it right before, that means we are still learning. Take those things of the past as guides, but also know what you trying accomplish in your heart. Why do you want to do this anyway? What drives you to want to go to such drastic measures to stop a never ending cycle of crime that some would say the efforts are futile?"

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