ch. 1

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chapter 1 — the night it all began

another night in blackwater, that's how it started for arthur. he had only planned to go drinking for a few hours, then head straight back to camp.

but no, nothing ever goes smoothly for an outlaw, not even a damn bank job.

as arthur stumbled to his horse, something caught his eye. it was a box, a strange little box that was next to the saloon which immediately piqued his curiosity.

he made his way over to it, not really expecting to see much, but to his surprise, there was a tiny baby huddled up in a warm blanket.

it really surprised him, and it made him look around to find any parents which obviously weren't present.

he didn't know what to do at all, but he knew he couldn't let a baby freeze to death in a small town full of drunks. so he did the only logical thing and decided to take the child and raise it as his own.

arthur knew one thing as he got on his beloved horse with the baby — he had a hell of a lot of explaining to do with the gang.

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