ch. 8

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(a.n: writers block is a bitch)

chapter 8 — who the hell is leviticus cornwall? part 2

it was a hell of a ride, but (y/n) managed to track the gang down. the only one that wasn't there was bill, so it was assumed that he was working on the explosives, "gentlemen," she greeted, which surprised them all.

"the hell are you doing here?" arthur exclaimed, "I told you to stay at camp! this job is too dangerous for a kid your age!"

"we have no time for arguments, dad," the girl sighed, then looked down at the figure attaching the explosives to the track from afar, "is that bill down there?" she asked, "yeah." arthur answered in annoyance.

"you wanna head down there?" dutch asked arthur as he kept his eyes on bill from afar, "see how he's getting on?"

"okay," arthur answered, then went over to his horse. but of course, not before he spoke to his daughter, "i'll deal with you later." he grumbled, and with that, he rode down to bill to see how he was doing.

"you gotta stop disobeying your dad, kid," dutch said as (y/n) approached and stood next to him, "you're causing him to get grey hairs, and he's not even as old as hosea yet."

"i'm part of this gang too, dutch," she sighed as she watched her father help bill with the dynamite, "i'm not little like jack anymore, i'm bored waiting around camp."

"i get that," dutch sighed and shook his head, "but you're worrying the hell out of him, you're still just a kid."

before the conversation could continue any further, arthur quickly rushed back up the ledge, and it was time to ignite the explosives, "what's going on?" dutch asked, "he says all fine." the gunslinger answered.

"we'll soon find out," javier said, keeping his eye out for the upcoming train, "everything alright?" dutch asked, to which arthur replied with, "i think so."

"okay," dutch said, "cover your faces. train should be here any minute now."

arthur then remembered that his own daughter was with them, and it only caused him to get worried, "you're not seriously considering letting a fourteen year old girl come with us on this?" the gunslinger asked.

"she came all this way, arthur," dutch answered, "besides, she's here now. and who knows? maybe some extra help is what we need. she's your daughter, after all."

in the end, arthur gave in and accepted the situation, knowing that they had no time to argue on it since the train was quickly arriving. they all put on their bandanas and got ready for the oncoming train, which they could now hear approaching in the distance.

"gentlemen and lady, it's time," dutch said as the train finally came into view, "good luck, all of you. you all know what to do."

the train came along the tracks and passed over the spot where the dynamite had been set. they all watched as bill approached the detonator. he placed his hands on the lever and set it off, but unluckily, the dynamite didn't explode as planned, which only caused annoyance to the group.

"for christs sake, bill!" (y/n) groaned in annoyance, "oh, you have got to be kidding me." dutch exclaimed.

"where did you find this moron?" arthur asked, "you said it was fine." dutch answered, which sparked more tension, "so it's my fault?"

"we haven't got time for this!" (y/n) yelled, "come on, we gotta follow the damn thing!"

the other gang members quickly dismounted their horses and raced in effort to catch the train while it was still passing through the tunnel beneath them, "well, come on!" javier shouted.

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