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chapter 4 — enter, pursued by a memory

the gang's time up in colter was a boring, cold, yet worrying time. dutch and arthur managed to find micah while being out in the storm, but micah wasn't the only one they had returned with.

they came back with a blonde woman, who had clearly been through some trauma and was completely shaken up by it. she introduced herself as sadie adler. abigail and (y/n) managed to get her to calm down after arrival and she had explained what had happened.

she explained that her husband had been murdered by colm o'driscoll's boys, and how her house had been completely burned down.

not only that, but the other person dutch and arthur brought back was none other than an o'driscoll himself. they introduced him as kieran duffy. he was a scared fellow, constantly shouting out that he wasn't an o'driscoll, or that he had only been riding with the boys for a few months at least.

of course nobody trusted him or believed him, he was indeed an o'driscoll after all. they even kept him tied up so he wouldn't run off to colm himself.

now all they had to do was find dear john marston, who was still missing god knows where.

abigail was beside herself in the cabin, worrying herself over what had possibly happened to him "he hasn't been seen in days. the weather ain't let up." she spoke worriedly.

"i'm sure he's fine, abby." (y/n) said, hoping to reassure her even a tiny bit.

"he's strong and he's smart." tilly added, also in a reassuring tone "strong at least." abigail also added.

suddenly, the door opened, and arthur walked in the cabin while also rubbing his hands for warmth. his clothes were covered in snow, and it was surprising that he hadn't turned into a statue yet.

he then walked over to the fireplace and held his hands out to warm them up for a second.

"hello, arthur." abigail greeted worriedly "abigail." arthur responded singly.

"hey, dad." (y/n) greeted as she got up to hug her father, then immediately backed away upon feeling how freezing he was and sat back down.

"hey, kiddo." he replied, ruffling the teenagers hair slightly.

"arthur.. how you doing?" abigail asked, followed by a short pause and a look of suspicion from arthur.

"just fine, abigail.. and you?" he replied, seemingly knowing what abigail was about to say.

"i need you to.. i'm sorry, i'm sorry to ask but—" she started, before being interrupted by arthur "it's little john, he's got himself caught into a scrape again."

"he ain't been seen in two—" she started in an annoyed tone, then took a deep breath to calm down "..two days."

"your john'll be fine, i mean, he may be as dumb as rocks and as dull as rusted iron.. but that ain't changing because he got caught up in some snowstorm." arthur replied, clearly not worried about john at all or what could've happened to him.

"dad.." (y/n) sighed, wishing her father would at least be respectful about the situation.

"at least go take a look," hosea told arthur as he stood up, then looked over at javier "javier."

"yes?" he responded and looked at hosea "javier, will you ride with arthur to take a look for john? you're the two best fit men we've got." hosea replied, hoping javier would accept his request.

"now?" javier responded, which made hosea look back at abigail "she's.. we're all.. we're pretty worried about him." he said.

"i know if the situation were reversed, he'd look for me.." javier said, then got up and handed arthur a sawed-off shotgun, which arthur took and reloaded.

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