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Everything, always; it all starts with the rain. This is no different, and it certainly won't ever be the same.

Kurosaki Ichigo. First Protector; one who protects. The eldest son of Kurosaki Masaki and Kurosaki Isshin. Older brother of twin sisters; Kurosaki Yuzu and Kurosaki Karin. None of this changes. Or maybe, it does in ways that cannot be seen.

Ichigo takes after his mother; in appearance and in personality. Kind, sweet, protective, and oh so stubborn, just like Masaki. Sensitive and observant, and always lending a helping hand to spirits and humans alike.

This is how Masaki raises her son and her daughters. Spoiled with love and kindness and taught to be kind, yet aware that kindness can be taken away when greedily taken. So very unlike her childhood in a skeletal home of the once great Kurosaki Clan and later in the frigid Ishida household under Ishida Izumi's ruthless tutelage.

A child should be loved and cared for, spoiled with gifts and joy and be given the world. This is how Masaki runs her household, because children are precious and should never be unhappy.

Ichigo, through observing and listening, follows this rule almost instinctually. His baby sisters should always be happy and protected, for they are precious. Tatsuki should always be happy and protected, for she is precious. Everyone should be happy and protected, for they are all precious to him.

This is how this entire change of events start. With the protective-and somewhat possessive-instinct of a six year old boy, and a dragon.


He kind of regrets declaring he'd walk home by himself today. Not because he was scared or anything! But, the rain, it was just so much! Ichigo could barely see anything just a few feet in front of himself!

It was cold too, and the raincoat he made sure to remember to put on didn't help, at all! Dad is kind of stupid for thinking it would keep him warm. Hmph!

Ichigo scrubs at his wet face in an useless attempt to wipe away the rain with his equally wet hands. He tugs at the sleeves of his raincoat and picks up his running. He sees the bridge, barely, which means he's almost home!

A bright smile grows on his face at the thought of finally getting out of the cold rain. Next time he walks home by himself, he's definitely paying attention to the weather.


Ichigo cries out at the deafening clap of thunder, slapping his hands over his ears. His ears ring as he breathes heavily before glaring up at the sky. Stupid rain.

He starts to run, having stumbled to a stop from the thunder, and is just about to run across the bridge when he hears something.

Ichigo slides to a stop and almost falls backwards on his butt before he reaches out and grabs the bridge railing. He carefully rights himself before his head snaps up when he hears something again. Or he thinks he hears something...

"Hello?" Ichigo calls out loudly over the pouring rain. He glances around while squinting his eyes, trying to see anything besides faint streetlights and foggy rain.

Something wails loudly right before thunder booms again, thankfully at a further distance. The lightning gives the area a bit more light as Ichigo leans over the railing.

It came from under the bridge! Ichigo runs off the bridge and uses the railing to spin around, sliding down the riverbank. His feet slip over the muddy ground, but he's careful to keep his balance. Mom hates him being anywhere near the riverbank, even when it isn't raining, so he has to be careful!

Kurosaki Ichigo: Wing Bind's Worst (and mostly feral) HeadacheWhere stories live. Discover now