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    Ichigo couldn't wait for the weekend. It was exceptionally obvious with how little he was paying attention in his classes. He also kept fidgeting with something around his neck despite nothing being there, in humans' eyes.

  Solinus—the perfect name Ichigo picked for his dragon—had been fidgeting too, which tickled Ichigo's neck, but Ichigo managed to keep his giggles inside by adjusting the dragon. Solinus probably didn't know why his human was so excited, but he was just as excited for whatever was going to happen during the weekend.

  Ichigo's parents were going to take him, his sisters, and Solinus to someone who could make sure everything was okay with Solinus. Apparently, he's only heard about dragons, but he's dealt with all kinds of animals, so he'll know what to look for.

  Well, Ichigo hopes so. He isn't too sure about anyone friends with Dad, only because he's really silly... but if Mom trusts him with Solinus, then maybe it'll be okay.

  "Ichigo!" The shout snaps the orange-haired boy out of his thoughts with a start, almost falling out of his chair. He snaps his head towards his left as Solinus grumbles at almost sliding off of his spot around Ichigo's neck.

  Ichigo perks up and beams at his best—and only—friend, Arisawa Tatsuki. "Tatsuki! What's goin' on?"

  Tatsuki scowls and crosses her arms with a huff. "It's recess! What's gotten you so distracted? If you're distracted during karate, I'm going to make you cry!"

  Ichigo flushes at the call out before he glances around the classroom. Most of the other children were scrambling to follow the teacher outside. He sits up with a gasp and grabs Tatsuki's wrist before he starts to run towards their class.

  "C'mon! We'll get left behind!"

  "Well, it's your fault!" Tatsuki states with a small smile and an eye roll before she starts to keep pace, and then run past her friend. Ichigo rolls his eyes, hiding his smile as he's pulled along by the black-haired girl.

  They met during Ichigo's first karate lesson. Their sensei paired him up with Tatsuki, and Tatsuki made him cry with the first hit. They only sparred against each other and no one else, except during competitions, since then. Ichigo's really, really happy he finally made a friend; he hated how... worried Mom got when he couldn't make any friends.

  Ichigo makes a noise as he's pulled out of his thoughts, again, by almost tripping into Tatsuki. He stumbles and quickly finds his balance again before he looks around. They were standing just outside the doors.

  "So, what's got you so distracted and making you move around so much?" Tatsuki asks again with a glare practically screaming at Ichigo to try and lie to her.

  Ichigo grins brightly even while his cheeks warm in his embarrassment. "I have a pet! I saved him from the river and Mom is gonna take us all with her an' Dad to make sure he's healthy!"

  "Really?!" Tatsuki gasps loudly before she jumps up and down. "What is it? What is it? Why didn't you tell me you got a pet?!"

  "I..." was told to not tell anyone that Solinus is a dragon.

  Ichigo bites the inside of his cheek before he smiles and grabs Tatsuki's wrist again, dragging her down towards the monkey bars. It's kind of stupid Ichigo can't tell anyone about his pet dragon... but Mom did say she could barely see Solinus while he could see him just as clearly as the ghosts.

  "Mom said we could keep Solinus until he's healed from falling in the river... but Mom loves him! And so does Dad, and Yuzu and Karin. I had to wait until Mom said we were keeping him for good!" Ichigo answers the second question with genuine excitement. Just because he can't say what Solinus is, doesn't mean he can't get excited about telling everyone about him.

Kurosaki Ichigo: Wing Bind's Worst (and mostly feral) HeadacheWhere stories live. Discover now