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This chapter includes: cannibalism(?), blood and gore

The cannibalism is specifically a scene where Ichigo eats a living being which is not human, so technically it does not count as actual cannibalism, but because Ichigo is a hybrid, I putting the warning there.

Also, while these warnings aren't technically necessary for this chapter, I might be going to go pretty descriptive in within these subjects, so I am leaving the warning just in case.

Please and thank you for reading the warnings.


    There isn't a single cloud in the night sky to shroud the few stars who managed to pierce through the light pollution. The full moon gave everything beneath it an eerie glow of a dead midnight.

  Slitted amber eyes watch the silent streets of Karakura from the second-story window. Masaki taps a sharp talons against the windowsill.

  She woke up almost five minutes ago. Isshin is still sleeping on the outside of her nest, blissfully unaware.

  Something is wrong. Or it will be. Or it already is wrong.

  You wish to go find your sons. Why are you not going?

  Masaki sighs quietly and pauses her tapping before pressing her hand against the windowsill. She shakes her head quietly.

  While all her children can handle an ambush of Hollows, she cannot leave her daughters alone while they sleep. If whatever happens, happens here, they will be in danger. She cannot leave, yet she cannot sit by and wait for her sons to come home, possibly be at the epicenter of whatever will go wrong.

  Hm. Quite a predicament. And that husband of yours has only regained enough reiryoku to see these spirits.

  Masaki bites the inside of her cheek before she opens the window. She sticks her head out, taking in the cool spring breeze and letting it dance with her hair.

  "Solinus," She calls out into the too calm night. "I need you to do something for me."


    Ichigo wraps his hand around the Shinigami's wrist and wrenches her towards himself. He wraps his free arm around her waist and leaps away before the Hollow's claw slices through them both, swiping at the asphalt instead. Two more Hollows screech behind the one attacking.

  Everything stalls for a moment. Blood is splattered across the street and across Ichigo's person from the quick momentum. The Shinigami lurches forward with a wail as the pain registers to her side being completely shredded open. The spell breaks.

  Ichigo places her on the ground, outstretching his hand to activate Blut when the Hollow charges forward. Blue veins sprout forward and pierce through the Hollow and the street around it before Uryū leaps forward with a Heilig Pfeil pointed directly at the back of the Hollow's head.

  It doesn't get a chance to even scream, Uryū releasing the arrow to pierce completely through. It travels past Ichigo, slicing across his cheek, but he doesn't pay it any attention.

  "Keep them busy!" Ichigo hisses through his teeth, an echo following his words, before he turns the Shinigami on her back and forces his hand against the shredded side. She screams from the pain, but Ichigo doesn't budge.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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