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    The rain always creates the catalyst; the event where Ichigo truly becomes what he always is, a protector. It destroys what he once knows as safe and brings him only despair.

  The rain always brings death to the Kurosaki and Ichigo will never be an exception.


    The clouds were almost pitch black; the storm, while it hasn't happened yet, will be a horrible one. Opal colored eyes glare up at the foreshadowing clouds, pupils dilated in terrified fury. Their third eyelids blink before the ryu head turns to the right. Slitted gold eyes looking in two completely different directions are directly in his face. A long, blue tongue flicks out and licks one of the eyes.

  Solinus gives the dragon his version of a deadpan before puffing out a small burst of fire. The red dragon screeches and scrambles back, only to screech even louder when he falls off the bed. Solinus screeches when the blanket he is laying on is suddenly pulled off of the bed, taking him with it.

  He moans and grumbles, shaking his head frantically to get the blanket off of his head. He growls at the red dragon as he cackles. Solinus roars and pounces on him, making Angelo screech loudly.

  "Solinus! You better not be attacking Angelo!" Masaki shouts from her and Isshin's bedroom. Solinus growls loudly, his jaws clenched around one of Angelo's legs, before he releases the brat from his punishment. Angelo laughs mockingly after scrambling away from the older dragon, making Solinus growl even louder.

  "Angelo, don't go antagonizing your big brother! If he attacks you again, I won't save you!" Masaki calls out again. Angelo whimpers and scampers away, giving Solinus his turn to cackle. Solinus is Masaki's favorite, being the oldest and more mature than the other dragons. Key word: more. He definitely isn't mature enough, but he doesn't know that.

  Solinus looks back out of the window with one more glare before he leaps up into the air and flies out of Ichigo's bedroom. He screeches loudly in delight and zooms right towards Masaki. The woman laughs softly as she lets the dragon barrel into her before quickly wrapping around her neck like a five foot scarf made of scales.

  "Excited to go and pick Ichigo up?" Masaki asks with a hand gently running down Solinus' lilac scales. He purrs against her neck, burrowing further into her warmth.

  Masaki giggles and starts to walk down the hallway once more. "You're lucky that I only need an umbrella today. You can't fit inside the raincoats anymore."

  Solinus lifts his head to glare at the woman, making her hide a smile. He could and would fit inside a raincoat. He didn't grow that big; but he is in denial about it, so take his word with a grain of salt.

  Masaki walks down the stairs with a hum and a bright smile. She blows a kiss to Isshin, who was speaking animatedly on the phone; hand gestures, dramatic facial expressions, and all. She glances up and nods her head, sensing Yuzu's sunshower reiatsu and Karin's volcanic spring reiatsu up in their room with Emilia and Egeon. Masaki sighs quietly in her exasperation.

  She thought her son would stop bringing in every injured or lonely dragon after Egeon... and then the twins came across Balthazar, who had been hit by a car, and they ran to their big brother, and then Angelo just suddenly appeared in Ichigo's dragon cuddle pile the one night Masaki let him keep his window open. She didn't have the heart to tell him that five dragons were too much. And she knows she won't have the heart to tell him a sixth dragon will be way too crowded.

Kurosaki Ichigo: Wing Bind's Worst (and mostly feral) HeadacheWhere stories live. Discover now