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    Dawn slowly encroaches across the sleeping rooftops and dead streets of Karakura Town. The birds begin to sing, waking up the cats and the dogs sleeping peacefully. The humans slowly rise, one by one, some by their alarms and others naturally; many continue to sleep, not yet time for them to wake up. It was a normal, peaceful morning.



  Black smoke starts to rise up into the brightening sky from the Kurosaki residence. Yep. Just a normal, peaceful morning in Karakura Town.



  The cacophony and catastrophe that surrounds the Kurosaki residence and the Kurosaki Clinic have been a normal occurrence for almost six years now. It's simply explained as the Kurosaki family and their shenanigans.


  A 15 year old boy suddenly appears in the air, landing on the roof of the Kurosaki Clinic. His sunset orange hair, nearly reaching his thighs in straight curtains, blows in the cool morning breeze and the freckles dotting his face like stars made his pale skin glow warmly beneath the rising sun.

  He turns around, his gold eyes glittering brightly in mirth. "Nuh-uh!"

  Another 15 year old appears on a high tree branch with smoke slowly floating off of his, somewhat singed, hair. He snarls lowly with a glowing blue arrow pointed right at the other teenager. His raven hair reached just below his chin and the glow of his Heilig Pfeil made his pale skin look ghostly and almost ethereal.

  "The fuck you mean 'nuh-uh'?!" He snarls sharply, pulling back his arm to release an arrow at the teenager he had the full intention to kill. His ocean blue eyes were dark in his fury, making the ginger grin as he held up a hand to block the arrow. The arrow hits and his veins glow blue, reaching all the way up to his bicep. There isn't even a scratch on his hand.

  "I mean... nuh-uh. I didn't do anything," Kurosaki Ichigo states with a wide-eyed look of innocence, as if he didn't enable Solinus's and Emilia's fight for the exact purpose of waking his brother up with a fireball and an explosion.

  Ishida Uryū snarls and forms another Heilig Pfeil. Before he can shoot it, one of the second-story windows is pushed open.

  "Boys, what have I said about fighting on the rooftop? If you tear the roof off again, you both will be the ones to fix it!" A stern voice speaks up loudly, making both teenagers pale. Uryū immediately makes his Heilig Bogen disappear while Ichigo crouches down to hang his head over the rooftop.

  It was a woman in her mid-30's. Her auburn hair had yet to be brushed and fell down to her lower back in their natural curls. Her freckled skin glowed beneath the early morning light, making her look almost ethereal.

  "Mom! Good morning!" Ichigo exclaims brightly, pretending he didn't instigate his almost fight with Uryū.

  Uryū pushes up his glasses with a murderous glare pointed directly at Ichigo. "Good morning, Mother. I apologize if I woke you."

  Kurosaki Masaki glances between both of her sons with a pointed glare. Her slitted amber eyes dilate before she sighs quietly.

  "Since you're both already up, I expect the dragons to be fed and your chores to be done," Masaki says, giving her sons one more look before walking away from the window. Ichigo grins and lifts his head, flipping his hair back behind him.

  "Good morning, Uryū~!" Ichigo exclaims, making the black-haired teenager growl. Insufferable piece of—

  "I'll start on our chores," Uryū speaks sharply before using hirenkyaku to go back inside the house. Ichigo hums brightly, nearly unable to contain the cackle building inside his chest. He watches the sun finally rise above the rooftops of Karakura Town.

Kurosaki Ichigo: Wing Bind's Worst (and mostly feral) HeadacheWhere stories live. Discover now