Chapter 2- A New Friend

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Once they finally were out of the chicken coop, it was right back to the same old work. Mallie sighed as she fell back into the old routine of washing, drying, and ironing. Until, Noodle came downstairs with a proposition.

"Why do you want me to come with you in the city? Scrubbit and Bleacher have their eyes laser focused on me ever since my 5th attempt of running" Mallie asked

"Please, I have like a million questions since last nights lesson" Noodle practically begged

Mallie looked over at Abacus, Larry, Lottie, and Piper for approval.

"Don't worry, we've got it handled from here" Abacus said, the others nodding in agreement

"Thank you guys" Mallie smiled, her worries of leaving them to carry her slack leaving her head.

"While you're out there, can you ask my 3rd wife if she take me back please" Larry joke, even though it was bad, Mallie quietly chuckled at his request

"Of course, it'll be the first thing i do"


Mallie was answering any questions Noodle had until Noodle froze, making Mallie hit her knee from the sudden stop

"Oww", Mallie winced holding her knee, " Why did you stop"

Noodle didn't say anything but just pointed straight ahead. Straight ahead was the Galeries Gourmet and in the middle of the shopping center was the man who signed the contract last night. Before they could say anything to each other, the man began his speech. Noodle and Mallie watched in amazement as he eloquently began speaking about his chocolate, everything was going great, until the big 3 came out. As they walked over to the man, Mallie quickly ushered Noodle and herself into a corner where they were hidden, but could still watch. Mallie and Noodle watched as the 3 men ate the chocolate... and hated it. Mallie felt bad for the man, was he probably stupid since he signed Scrubbits contract? Yes, but it still hurts to see someone get teared down so publicly.

"If you don't like it, then you're definitely not gonna like what happens next" the man told them,

Before Mallie had any time to process what he said, the men began to float, making her audibly gasp. Before she knew it, everyone in the crowd who had eaten a chocolate and began floating. She was about to walk over to grab one herself, until she heard loud footsteps. Looking behind her, she saw several policemen walking up to the crowd. As the policeman began to lecture on the laws of gravity and not being able to sell off the street, Mallie rushed Noodle away back to Scrubbits.

"That was so cool, such a shame they took all his sovereigns he earned" Noodle commented as they walked

"I agree it was quite a show, but i can't help that everytime i look at him, I know he's about to become another employee to Scrubbit" Mallie said sighing

"Hey, we told him to read the fine print so it's on him"

Mallie chuckled, remembering their outburst last night

"I guess you're right and besides, at least we'll finally learn his name"


Willy Wonka was his name and he introduced himself after falling into the laundry chute. Abacus, Lottie, Larry, and Piper sang their Scrub Scrub song as Mallie quietly observed, not really participating due to a mix of guilt for not helping enough and hatred as she refused everyday scrub scrub for who knows how long. Abacus showed Wonka to the barrels and let him get to work. As Wonka started down at the barrel below him, Mallie grabbed a chair and sat next to him.

"This is the worst station but you'll get used to it and move up in no time" Mallie commented

Wonka looked up at her,

"Why weren't you singing with everyone else? Wonka asked, making Mallie sigh

"I refuse to accept that his is going to be my life for who knows how many years",Mallie exclaimed, "I had a lot of dreams for my life and this was definitely not one of them"

"What were your dreams" he asked

"Wow Wonka really hitting me with the hard questions huh" Wonka quickly tried to apologize but Mallie just waved her hand shushing him, "I'm joking Wonka you really need to get out more"

Mallie took a deep breath,

"My whole life I loved to read and I loved school. While I love learning, that's not really why I liked school. My parents.. Werent really around often and school felt like the one place where I could be heard. I wanted other kids to feel the same way I felt with teachers, so my goal was to come here and teach. Then.. well you know what happened"

Mallie had never really dumped her life story on other people, so this whole ordeal had her flustered and looking anywhere but Wonka. When she finally met his gaze, she was met with a smile.

"That's a really nice dream" Wonka said, still smiling

Slightly less flustered, Mallie managed to mutter a thank you with a smile

"Also," Wonka began, " call me Willy since we're friends now"

Mallie laughed, "one conversation and we're friends?", she teased

"You shared your dream with me, that's what true friends do"

Mallie would usually try to argue but friends felt.. Right.

"Then I guess were friends"

The Magic of Chocolate [WILLY WONKA X OC ][FINISHED BUT UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now