Chapter 10- Freedom?

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Mallie woke up in her bed, with a long sigh she eventually got up and went to her desk. She hoped that all that happened yesterday was a dream, but her puffy eyes were proof enough that everything really happened. Willy was gone and Mallie was hurt, she tried to recall all the times her parents hurt her like this when she was a kid, but nothing was as hurtful as right now. Sucking it up, she promised herself she was going to be completely fine today. Her and all the girls knew they were getting their debts paid today so all they had to do was fake surprise and she'd finally be free...even if it didn't feel like it.

After getting ready, she headed down to the laundry room to see the regular group. They didn't have anything to strive for so they decided to actually do the laundry. They faked ignorance when they were called by Bleacher. They walked up to the main lobby where Ms.Scrubbits was behind the counter. Standing there brought her back to the first time she met Willy where she watched it utter shock as he signed the paper and then learning he couldn't read, it almost made her laugh. He made her laugh a lot.

"You're all fools for the stunt you tried to pull!" Ms. Scrubbits yelled, everyone took a step back from the sheer volume.. And her breath

But then she was silent as she pulled up a bunch of cash and a stack of papers,

"Abacus Crunch" she announced

Abacus quietly took a step forward and Ms.Scrubbits stamped his file.

"You're debts are paid, you are free to go" Abacus in shock, didn't say a word and collected his paper and went to collect his things

Mallie watched one-by-one as Piper, Larry, and Lottie got their debts paid and scurried away to get their things. Finally,

"Mallie Sutton"

Malie walked up and collected her papers. She silently walked back to her room and gathered the small amount of items she collected over the past year. She thought the day she was finally free of this place would be the happiest day of her life, but she felt numb. Zipping up her suitcase, she took one last glance at the room, her eyes zooming in on something still hung over her chair. Willy's jacket. She walked over and picked it up, holding it in her hands. She soaked in the lingering smell of him and chocolate. A small smile formed on her face as she slipped it on.

As she walked down the stairs, she could hear yelling. She walked down to the lobby area where Noodle and Ms.Scrubbits were in a screaming match.

"What's going on?" Mallie asked rushing over to Noodle

"Slugworth didn't give Willy extra money for me to be well off, he gave more for her to keep me, '' Noodle yelled. Shock waved over Mallies face which turned into anger. Mallie glared at Ms. Scrubbits.

"That wasn't the deal" Mallie said angrily to which Ms. Scrubbitts couldn't help but cackle at,

"Good thing life isn't fair" she said still laughing and then motioned to Bleacher, "Darling be a dear and help this young lady out"

With that, Bleacher walked over and tried to grab Mallie, but she pushed him off, angering Bleacher. Mallie and Bleacher went back and forth and he tried to grab her and she fought him off. Finally, Noodle turned to Ms. Scrubbits.

"Also the whole Duke thing was a lie and you fell right for it"

The revelation had Ms. Scrubbits shocked and Mallie fought back her tears as she began to laugh. Unfortunately, this gave Bleacher the perfect distraction and came up from behind, picking her up. Mallie kicked and screamed, but Bleacher wasn't having any of it. He opened the door and threw her out, her face hitting the pavement hard. Before she could react, the door was already shut and locked.

Mallie slowly got up, her body shaking from anger. She touched her face with her hand, and while pulling away she noticed a small amount of blood. All Mallie wanted to do was cry, Noodle was her best friend and she hoped that after this was all sorted, maybe they could live together and start fresh. She could finally get a job and Noodle could finally get the education she needed and all the books she craved. As she finally felt a couple tears fall down, someone hugged her from behind and placed their forehead on the top of her head. Any normal person would be confused but Mallie knew that smell, it was something she had grown incredibly fond of. Mallie turned around to someone she thought she'd never see again.

"Willy?" she asked, almost like she needed to confirm what she was seeing was real. Willy smiled, the same genuine smile that has brought her so much joy.

"I'm sorry I'm late and I'm sorry for getting on that boat, but I'm here now and forever. Lets get Noodle and put an end to this''

Mallie smiled and nodded her head,

"Of course"

Mallie looked to see that Piper, Lottie, Larry, and Abacus were with Willy as well.

"Are you guys all on board?" she asked

"I've got a lot of free time now so why not" Piper joked

"It's gonna take some time so track down my second wife so i'm in for now" Larry added

"You only have one wife you need to fine" Lottie reminded him

"Oh yeah"

"We're here for the long run Mallie, it's time to put this whole chocolate cartel into the light" Abacus announced which made them all nod in agreement.

"Where do we go from here?" Larry asked

"Well she's probably got Noodle in the chicken coop" Lottie thought out loud

"The coop is 10 feet up, how are we gonna get up there" Piper asked

Willy turned to Mallie with a gigantic grin and she looked confused until,

"I happen to know someone with a really tall ladder"


Mallie watched as Noodle climbed down the ladder with a giant smile on her face. When she reached the end, Mallie pulled her in with a tight hug.

"I'm sorry i left you, i never would have done that voluntarily and i hope you know that"

Noodle looked up at her and smiled, "of course, thank you for always being my best friend"

They hugged again. Once they finished, they quickly fled Scrubbitts before anyone would notice Noodle was gone. Not knowing where to go, they ended up at the park Willy and Mallie had their first date.

"Where do we go from here?" Noodle asked

"Well we need to work on the perfect plan to expose everyone" Abacus said

"We know that, " Mallie said, "but we're basically homeless, we need a place to stay. Not to mention we don't know what kind of ears the chocolate cartel has around here"

Everyone was silent for a moment. I guess the group didn't really think about the situation they put themselves in.

"I suppose we could ask my wife" Abacus suggested, everyone turned to him in shock

"You're married?!" everyone yelled, but Abacus looked at them like they had three eyes

"Yeah?" he said nonchalantly

"Why haven't you mentioned her?" Lottie asked

"It just never came up into conversation" he replied, everyone still just staring blankly at him

"Do you even know where she lives?" Piper asked and Abacus nodded

"We meet for dinner one or twice a month since i've been stuck"

"How?" Noodle asked

"The ladder of course" he replied

"The ladder strikes one again" Willy whispered to Mallie, making her snort

"Ok enough talk about the ladder, let's go meet this wife" Mallie said, standing up off the bench

"Julie is her name"

"Well let's go meet Julie!"

The Magic of Chocolate [WILLY WONKA X OC ][FINISHED BUT UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now