Chapter 4- The Aristocrat

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Mallie listened intensely as Noodle began speaking to Ms. Scrubbit (Mrs. Lovett) about Bleacher(Sweeny Todd) being an aristocrat, once Scrubbit sounded interested, Mallie quickly ran off and made it over to Willy.

"Got him?" Mallie asked,

"Just don't look at Bleacher any time soon" Willy said laughing,

Getting spooked by a noise, Willy and Mallie quickly rushed down to the laundry area. Where the super long invention name that Mallie totally didn't forget the name of, was working swimmingly.

"Are you sure its fine for me to go out again, this is 2 days in a row now" Mallie asked the group

Piper walked up and put her hand on her shoulder,

"Better one of us out there than all of us in here", she said before waving Mallie and Willy off, "now go sell some chocolate"

"And remember, watch out for the police, they're in on the whole chocolate cartel" Abacus reminded them

Mallie and Willy turn to each other and nodded, remembering the lesson of a secret batch of chocolate with chocoholic monks and the police in on the whole thing. They quickly walked over to the laundry bags and helped each other inside.

"See you on the other side" Willy said

Mallie laughed, "I really hope this plan works"

And then it was silent. Until small footsteps could be heard grabbing the cart and began to go. Mallie was a nervous sweating mess for what seemed like hours, until they stopped.

"Were in the clear" Noodle told then and Mallie quickly got out, taking in the fresh air

Willy got out as well, looking over at Mallie and Noodle,

"I just thought of something, you've gone out before this whole plan, so why didn't you just do what you did before?"

Mallie and Noodle looked at each other,

"Well..", Mallie started, "it was a bit unconventional"

"Unconventional?" Willy questioned


"A little to the left!" Mallie ordered

Noodle grunted as she moved the ladder. How did the 2 manage to get a 20 foot ladder? Some things are just better left unsolved... that being said Mallie had no idea. Finally Noodle got it right where Mallie needed and she climbed down. By the time she made it to the final step, she was huffing and puffing.

"I need like 5 minutes" Mallie said through gasps for air


Willy just stared at Noodle and Mallie after their explanation,

"Lets get past the whole ladder thing, we gotta sell chocolate" Noodle reminded Willy

Willy perked up and went to grab his chocolate only to find it...

"Um, why is it empty?" Mallie said confused

"Rats!", Willy loudly exclaimed, "it must be the orange man at it again"

Noodle and Mallie looked at each other, sharing 1000 words with one glance

"Orange man?" Noddle asked

"Yes, there's been this orange man following me for around 3 or 4 years and he steals my chocolate"

Noodle and Mallie stared at each other again

"So this orange man.. He just comes into your room and steals your chocolate" Mallie said slowly, trying to process the whole thing

"Yes exactly!", Willy said grabbing Mallie's hands, "I'm so glad you understand"

"Um", Noodle said walking closer to Mallie and Willy, "you can't expect us to believe that do you?"

"Of course I do!" Willy said

"Of course we do", Mallie said trying to get past this whole orange man nonsense, "but now we have to get more chocolate"

Willy thought for a second before speaking, "the only thing is that I'm all out of milk"

"That's no problem," Noodle said grabbing milk from the crate of someone's house, "there's some right here"

Willy quickly walked over,,

"I would never steal, a Wonka would never steal" Willy started with a sense of pride as he made her put the milk back

While Willy spoke of odd things, Mallie had a deep respect for him at that moment. Even though he found himself entangled with Scrubbits and every big authority after him, he stayed true to what he believed in. That a Wonka would never steal from anyone. The realization of this made her stomach churn with butterflies, but she refused to allow that and quickly brushed it aside.

"Besides, the milk i use is giraffe milk not cows milk"

Andddd the moment was gone.

Noodle and Mallie went back at staring at each other with bewilderment

"So how do you suggest we get giraffe milk?" Mallie asked

Willy looked at her and smiled,

"I think i have an idea"

The Magic of Chocolate [WILLY WONKA X OC ][FINISHED BUT UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now