Chapter 3- Master Plan

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Abacus, Lottie, Larry, Piper, Mallie, and Willy all walked in a line as Blecher checked off their name as they went into their quarters.

Mallie walked into her room and grabbed her notebook. She walked to Noodles' room ready for their daily lessons, but when she knocked, she didn't get a response back. She was confused until she heard talking in the room next door. Walking in she saw Noodle standing by the door and Willy sitting in his chair.

"I tried telling you to read the fine print" Noodle said as Mallie tried to hold in a chuckle

"You don't know how to read do you?" Noodle questioned,

Mallie turned to Willy as he averted from her gaze and back to his desk

"I put all my focus into chocolate making" Willy simply stated

Mallie's jaw was on the floor at this point, how could he say so casually that he didn't know how to read.

"Well," Noodle began and headed towards Mallie, "Mallie is the best teacher around she could teach you how to read in no time"

"Really?' Willy asked

Mallie smiled, "I love teaching so if you're willing to learn, i'm willing to teach"

Wonka stood up from his chair and held his hand out," It's a deal" and with that they shook on it

"And to thank you", Willy sat down and opened up his trunk to reveal some sort of odd mechanical device, "I can make you some chocolate"

Noodle and Mallie stared in amazement at the sight of the chocolate making machine,

"Pretty amazing isn't it, now, how do you like your chocolate dark? Nutty? Absolutely insane" Willy said as he began to ramble on

Mallie looked over at Noodle, ready to hear Willys heart shatter into a million pieces

"I've actually never had chocolate before" Noodle confessed


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU NEVER HAD CHOCOLATE" Willy practically yelled at her and eventually spiraled into a tangent of silver linings and thunderstorms into the chocolate.

Willy placed all the ingredients into the device and it began to make its magic. While cooking, Willy turned to Mallie.

"Please tell me you've had chocolate" Willy practically pleaded

"Yes i have", Mallie said laughing, "Whenever my parents were home we'd always go to my favorite chocolate store and get me whatever i wanted"

Willy smiled, " that reminds me of my mother"

"Is that why you wanna be a chocolate maker?", Noddle questioned, "because of your mother?"

"Yes," Willy said and began to tell his story.

His family was just him and his mom. While they didn't have much, his mother was able to make him a chocolate bar. Willy claimed his mother had the best chocolate but his mother said the best chocolate was at the Galeries Gourmet but she did have a secret ingredient.

"What was it" Noodle asked

Willy grew silent for a second before responding, "she fell ill and she was never able to tell me" Mallie and Noodle suddenly felt instant regret for asking, but Willy suddenly perked up, "but she told me she'd be right there with me for the opening of my shop so soon i'll be able to ask her"

"You can't really think that she'll actually be there" Noodle said, making Mallie gasp

Willy quietly looked back at his chocolate machine, Mallie walked over and placed her hand on his shoulder and bent down to his eye level

The Magic of Chocolate [WILLY WONKA X OC ][FINISHED BUT UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now