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Neon lights were the only light source Inside.
sweaty bodies were moving around, dancing like they had no care in the world.
You could easily feel the strong smell of alcohol everywhere. This was just another normal night for jimin.
Get the job done, Get out.

Quit simple.

Everything was working out just the way it should. jimin could feel the man staring at him from the other side of the club.
It was already obvious that this was going to be a boring night.
Jimin missed being Challenged sometimes.
He didn't like an easy prey.

without wasting anymore of his time, he moved forward with his plan and started walking towards the dance floor.

The place was filled with the sound of an ear-piercing music, that didn't seem to bother anyone. Jimin made sure he had the mans attention on himself before starting to sway his body to the rhythm.
The boy moved delicately, with no rush.

As soon as he stepped foot on the dance floor he could feel all eyes turning on him.
Jimin was used to this, he was beatiful and he knew it.
the man got out of his seat and started walking towards him with eager steps.
The lust in his eyes were evident.
Jimin swayed his hips seductively and turned around towards the man with a flirtatious smile plastered on his face.
His plump lips had a shiny gloss on them making them look even more desirable.

The guy was now standing right in front of him as he watched jimin dance.
He trying to speak but his words were just muffled by the loud music. Jimin moved further away from him and beckoned the guy to follow.

The blonde was able to move his body in such a delicate way, that the stranger dancing with him, couldn't stop staring for even one second.

His hands and feet moved completely in sync with the beat.

The look in the man's eyes was filled with lust and desire, he snaked his hands around Jimin's waist and started to touch and explore his body aggressively.

He could feel Jimin's perfectly shaped muscles underneath his clothing, and it drove him crazy.

The stranger grabbed Jimin's wrist with a hard grip and dragged him through the crowd of people surrounding them, unaware of the fact that this was exactly what jimin wanted at the moment.

The boy just followed him obediently.

They haven't even spoken till now, but jimin was completely sure of the man's intentions.

After all he was quiet familiar with this kind of people, of course if you can even refer to them as "people".

Jimin had a crappy day, and he just wanted to get this over with, so he was so glad when they finally reached the man's car.

The stranger man was in such a rush, if only he knew how the night was going to end for him, would he still be acting this way?

Jimin slightly chuckled to his own taughts.
before he could even protest he was being pushed to the backseat of the car.

The boy was now half sitting half laying down in the car seat as the man also got inside the car and closed the door.

Jimin quickly looked around, the car had smoky windows, of course jimin already knew that.

By now he almost knew every detail from the man's life.

His name was Diego, he was the owner of a famous liquor brand. You could somehow call him a successful person. He got married a few years ago, but then got a divorce.
He had a daughter. She was a sweat little girl, poor child didn't deserve such a father.

Though none of this mattered in Jimin's opinion, he just needed to know all of this so that he could choose the perfect time and place.

Jimin took a quick glance at his watch, then he realized he still had a little time left.

Jimin decided he can just have a little bit of fun, he deserved it, after all his efforts to lure the man in,

Why not just enjoy it a little bit?

So a devilish smile appeared on Jimin's face. He slowly unbuttoned his own shirt. And put his glorious chest and abs in the open for Diego to see.

Diego didn't hold back anymore. He attacked Jimin's neck. He started kissing Jimin's neck hungrily as jimin was enjoying the fact that the man was so desperate for him. Jimin decided he can give Diego a few more minutes before doing what he had to.

Jimin touched Diego's shoulders with his fingertips in a teasing way, and then started pulling on his hair as he was now completely lying underneath him.

Diego slightly bit on Jimin's earlobe as he started whispering to him.

"oh baby boy you feel so fucking good under me; I'm going to make it impossible for you to forget bout tonight."

Jimin had heard all this before about a hundred times.
he was loving the way he could control the man. Diego's head was now in the crook of his neck.

As he took a glance at his wristwatch, jimin realized Diego's time was up, so slowly he let go of his hold on the man and slid down his hands to his boots and took out the beautifully carved knife.

Diego was way too distracted with Jimin's addicting scent, to even notice his movements.

Jimin once again had his hands tangled around the man's neck with the knife in his hands. He then pulled Diego's head back with his free hand and placed a soft kiss near his lips. Jimin then started to sing slowly in the man's ear, and brought the knife to Diego's neck which was now staring at him dumbfounded.

Before Diego could even react to the cold sensation of the knife on his skin, jimin made a neat and clean cut on his skin, causing the blood to splatter out of the wound.

By now Diego was trying hard to stop the bleeding by clutching on to his neck. Jimin slowly took Diego in his arms and started caressing his hair. As it was getting harder and harder for the man to breath.
The Blood was gushing out of the mans wounded neck and spilling all over Jimins clothes.

The blonde was still singing to the dying man.
he kept on singing till he felt his victims body go limp in his arms.so he stopped and whispered to the man in his last moments.

"it's over, everything's fine now, you just have to close your eyes and sleep."

After that he slowly closed the dead man's eyes and put his lifeless body in the car as he buttoned up his shirt and cleaned his bloody hand with Diego's clothes.

Jimin got out of the car and took out his phone in the process, he called tae as he started to walk away from the car.

" it's done, your turn now."

He didn't wait for taehyung to answer as he hung up the phone and got further away from the car. Few minutes later the loud sound of an explosion could be heard, which made jimin let out a satisfied sigh.

everything turned out to work exactly as he planned them to.

Jimin zipped up his jacket and kept walking, as he was enjoying the cold night breeze while murmuring a song to himself.


hey every one 

so this is the first chapter

how did that happen? I'm just so exited i cant stop writing.

i hope you guys like it. please share your thoughts with me and don't forget to vote and write comments.

i would really appreciate that.

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